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Jesus: Healer, Savior,Lord

About Me

Myspace LayoutsMat 5:18 "I tell you the truth, until heaven and earth disappear, not the smallest letter, not the least stroke of a pen, will by any means disappear from the Law until everything is accomplished.""....I can tell you that for the first time in the history of the Jewish people since the Second Temple period, in the next decade and a half the majority of the Jewish people will live in the Jewish land. If this is not the materialization of prophecy, then nothing is." From a speech by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu at the Feast of the Tabernacles Conference (International Christian Embassy) October 5, 1998

My Interests

My passion is to express the word in my life. The living word is just that living. When the living word lives in us it breaths life into our lives. Yeshua is life and an awsome force. Our powerful loving God brings us to the knowledge that only by His power are we able to overcome all that rises up against us. We lean not on ourselves for the answers but we choose to lean on the one and only one who can save us from ourselves, our circumstances our challenges. If you are experiencing a sort of death in your life, whether it be a death of a dream, of innocense, or of disapointment in life. Choose to let Yeshua (Hebrew for Jesus,) to be your resurection and the one who breaths life to your death. May God bless all who read and apply this to their life.

I'd like to meet:

Israel’s Revival is a sure sign of Christ’s coming. Israel is more than a Jewish foothold in the middle east; it is a movement destined to have world shaking consequences, affecting the lives of every living person upon the globe.


Fire is what we need Leviticus 1:17 He shall tear it open by the wings, not severing it completely, and then the priest shall burn it on the wood that is on the fire on the altar. It is a burnt offering, an offering made by fire, an aroma pleasing to the LORD.


"I know now, Lord, why you utter no answer. You yourself are the answer. Before your face, all questions die away. What other answer would suffice? Only words, words; to be led out to battle against other words." -C.S. Lewis


A Prayer for September 11Lord, Source of Life, Creator of all flesh, From out of the depths we call unto you. Protect us from the hand of all our enemies. Comfort Your children who now stand alone without parent or brother or sister or child.Strengthen us to stand with those orphaned by this attack on our country. This country, our country, shelter of peace to the downtrodden, which has gathered in millions of the peoples of the world stands as a beacon of light and justice, but today is dimmed with horror and tragedy.New York and Washington, shining cities, Diminished like Jerusalem after the destruction of the holy Temple, need Your comfort, and our aid; help us to maintain our courage and our efforts to support our people.Strengthen the hands of those who defend this country, and those who try to maintain peace against these attacks. Teach us to speak to our children with love and support and courage and understanding, for we are all fearful, although their fears may not be our fears.Gain for us a heart of wisdom, that we may act out of compassion and thoughtfulness, and not out of anger or prejudice.Accept with mercy our prayers for our country and its government for its president, judges, officials and institutions who faithfully toil for the good of our country.May they, with Your guidance, lead us back to lives of peace in a land we have come to love.--Jeffrey A. Spitzer, producer of Originally published on JewzNewz,

My Blog

Fighting the good fight

I recently posted some new you tube vids that I admire. I love the fighting spirit of the soul. I know nothing about these three young guys on my page but I was impressed with the intensity and passio...
Posted by Mercy on Thu, 28 Jun 2007 05:22:00 PST

The meaning of life

Rick Warren (REMEMBER HE WROTE-PURPOSE DRIVEN LIFE)You will enjoy the new insights that Rick Warren has, with his wife now having cancer and him having "wealth" from the book sales. This is an absolu...
Posted by Mercy on Tue, 22 May 2007 07:11:00 PST

Israel people of prophetic destiny

  By far, the greatest number of prophecies in the Bible concern the nation of Israel. In fact, many have said that if you want to know what time it is on God's clock, then look at the nation of ...
Posted by Mercy on Mon, 24 Jul 2006 07:23:00 PST

Pure Magic

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Posted by Mercy on Tue, 30 May 2006 05:11:00 PST

Crimson Persuasion

Isaiah 1:18 (New International Version) New International Version (NIV) Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society     18 "Come now, let us reason together,"...
Posted by Mercy on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST