"I really don'ta like-a when there are all these cannons ashooting at-a me, and the swinging arm with-a balls of fire... I fear-a no ramp in my go kart... I love-a everyone in-a da mushroom kingdom!... I like-a to drive in da go-kart, and shoota shells atsa people, some-a-times, I even leave a banana peel... itsa crazy! I go alot to the dark castles, jumping fora the flag, some-a-times, I eata the mushrooms, and I getta big... I really like-a da flowers... they make me shoota the fire-ballsa!... I say watcha out for the spiky shellsa, they hurta my foot... I jumpa on da mushrooms and I squisha their headsa!... I fly some-a-times whena I wear funny winged hat!... You-a better watcha out if I getsa the star!... I like-a to play da sports like-a da Golf, da Tennis, and all-a those fun games i have-a ata my parties with-a my friends"
"Princess Toadstool... she always acta like she love me, then goes off and getsa stolen by da Bowser..."
Do, do, do... do-do-do-do...
I don'ta really watcha da movies, I rather tella you abouta my enemies... I jumpa on da koopa shells and hitta them with it, I avoid the Bowser throwing thingsa very poorly at me, but i see-a him in every castle, Flying fishes, Wario, Koopas, Donkey Kong
The Princess Diaries, Damsels in Distress, Hammerthrowing Clouds: A Real Danger, Swimming Underwater Without Air for Minutes at a Time, Where Do These 1UPs Keep Coming From? (Green Mushrooms and You), I'm OK... You're OK... Toad's OK,