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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

My real name is Amanda, and I've loved the Marx brothers ever since I first saw their movies, Dec 31, 2001--Jan 1, 2002 during a TCM Marx Movie Marathon. I watched most of their movies that night, and seen their oldest, and their greatest movies in one night. Not many people can say the same, but hopefully you are someone who can.
This clip was the very first I had seen of the Marx brothers, from their Movie "Go West" Chico plays the piano as only he could:
As I watched their movies I became more and more curious as to what they were like in life, so I began my research. Much of the information and pictures on these pages have been taken from several of the other sites which will be named in the "Links" section of .
My love for the Marx Brothers was discovered after watching Go West, Which I only saw the last half, but what was there I laughed till my sides hurt, and of course, since this just happened to be a Marx-Marathon on TCM, so I ended up watching them the rest of the night. The only Marx movies I have not seen are The Story of Mankind and Humor Risk (which almost no one has seen).
I've completely revamped since its opening in 2001, I've always loved the marx brothers, and always will, is my testimony to that fact. The more times I see their movies, the more I want to share them with the world. Back when being in pictures required a talent more than being able to remember lines. I'd love for everyone to experience the talent and comedy of these five brothers, after all, the Marx brothers have made me laugh untill my sides hurt.
The site, itself, was rather difficult for me to make, initially. For one, because I tend to not stick to subject matter, I love variety, that being true, my other web sites never were successful, they were all too cluttered, especially before I learned how to succeed in graphics and web design. The site itself was made as a final project in a college web design class I took in high school. Its grown ever since. I've designed the website myself, using only HTML and Javascript, and I've designed all of the personalized content (Buttons, Headers, etc...). I've created my own private web design company(Azsunyx Independant Web Design and Graphics), though I don't yet have a business liscense, I do most of my work as a personal favor free of charge.
To quote Bill Marx, Harpo's son, "I shall have an opinion (the establishment of a conclusion when you are too tired to think any further) on many riveting subjects that may be of some interest to some, no interest to many, much interest to none, no interest to me, all of the above or none of the above. I may embrace a popular opinion, or I may have one that goes against the very fabric of mob-mentality popularity. Your are welcome to agree or disagree with my point of view....You are welcome to not care what I think and avoid this page entirely. This could bring great relief and satisfaction to both reader and writer."

My Blog

ATTENTION: Lydia needs Moderators!!!

ATTENTION ALL MARX FANS! Lydia is currently looking for a few good men and women to moderate the LTTL website forums located at: job includes (...
Posted by on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 01:23:00 GMT

Upcoming Projects!

lets see, I'm currently working on my company's website, I just haven't found anymore time to code the index page other than "Under Construction" My company's name is "Azsunyx, Independant Graphics an...
Posted by on Thu, 24 May 2007 00:19:00 GMT

More Website Updates!

Now, instead of typing: Users now may also type: to get to the same website!! Hopefully this will bring in more visitors, as more people ...
Posted by on Thu, 24 May 2007 00:17:00 GMT Recent Updates

LTTL WEBSITE UPDATES May 13, 2007Opened Lydia's profile for public access. Uploaded every Marx related photo to the myspace profile as well.Created a stylesheet to change the color of the...
Posted by on Sun, 13 May 2007 13:38:00 GMT