MuSic, MoVies, CoFFee, FuN
AnYOne reaLLy..
AnyThin But Prefered From tha' Likes of PuDDle of MuDD, PoD, The Darkness..etc..THe WoRks...
Action-Packed wiLL dO! I LurVe JackAss the MoVie thouGh! ohh..anD my Hero is DeFiNitely that HunKy, ChuNky, SiX PacKed Vin DieseL!!!!
I'm A NaturaL-bORN CouCh PoTaTo...i Watched Everythin. I CaN't Help it! PuhLease!!! I reaLLy need a shrink on this One!
LurVE To ReaD...From Archie ComicS, MaGs, NoVeLs To ReaDer DiGest!..I'm not FooLin! I'm ALL That!
Vin DieseL...Rio FerDinanD...My MeN!