Drawing, Painting, writing short stories and most of all writing poetry. I love going to a book store and sitting there all day reading whatever I feel like. I also like to read a favorite book on a rainy day. Like I can tell you if is raining where I am, Then you know I'll read Kill me Kiss me at lest once. Its one of my favorites(the pages are about to fall apart) Also whenever I'm feeling less like my self I turn up my mp3 player so loud You can hear it across the room.
I'm shy till you you get to know me, then you can't shut me up. So I'm looking to meet new people, other then the Hicks that like here (sorry but more than half of my schools pop. is "redneck" 'scary I know') (plus my high school is across from a cow feild) So I'm looking to make new friends and hopefully new friendships.
Create a playlist with this song on imeem
HIM, Lareine, Bleeding Through, My Chemical Romance, Nine Inch Nails, As I lay dying,System of a Down, Avenged Sevenfold, The Offspring, Dead can Dance, Marilyn Manson, The Damned, Three days grace, Coldplay, Nirvana, Velvet Revolver, The Bronx, L..Arc~en~Ciel,Kristine Sa, Gackt, Phantasmagoria, 12012, Wizard, Balzac,Fall out boy,Dollis Mary, AFI, Panic! At the Disco, bis, ICP,An Cafe, Death Rabbits, Mostly Metal whatever I can burn from my friends, aren't friends great.
Any Horror(vamp all the way) sci-fi, NO WESTERNS!!! I hate them. But mostly all kinds of movies, ex: Interview with a vampire, Pitch Black (ect)
Most all true anime(I heart Loveless), Dark Angel, Hex, Angel, smallville, Buffy the vampire slayer, House, Charmed,Fire fly, House, Fuse (all the way!!!!!!!)
Your Brain's Pattern
You have a dreamy mind, full of fancy and fantasy.
You have the ability to stay forever entertained with your thoughts.
People may say you're hard to read, but that's because you're so internally focused.
But when you do share what you're thinking, people are impressed with your imagination.
What Pattern Is Your Brain?
Any books by Garth Nix(ex the keys to the kingdom1-4, Abhorsen Trilogy)Mangas!!! ex: Kill me kiss me, Loveless, Negima, Ororon, Saiyuki, Doubt, Immortal Rain, Peacemaker,Broken Angel, Vampire Princess Miyu, Tsubasa, XXXHOLIC, Chobits, Mars, Demon Diary, Silent Mobius, Hellsing, Trigun, Real Bout High School, Psychic Academy, King of Hell, Legal Drug, Glass Wings, I.N.V.U, Pita Ten, PDH:Phantasy degree, D.N.Angel, Angel Sanctuary, Bleach, Princess Ai, Ceres, Inuyasha, Fushigi Ygi, Saikano(ECT)
Full Metal Alchemist is Love
The Best Myspace Survey
* . . About You . . *
Color:: Blue/grey
Hair Color:: Brown/black
Height:: Tall?
Favorite Color:: Crimson
Screen Name:: Isubasa
Favorite Band:: HIM
Favorite Movie:: Pitch Black
Favorite Show:: Saiyuki or Loveless
Your Car:: Don't have one
Your Hometown:: Beaverdam
Your Present Town:: Beaverdam
Your Crushes First Name:: ****
Your Grade:: 10
Your Style:: "goth" more like weird
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: no
Kissed someone in the rain?: no
Danced in a public place?: yes
Smiled for no reason?: yes
Laughed so hard you cried?: yes
Peed your pants after age 8?: NO way
Written a song?: yes
Sang to someone for no reason?: yes, many times
Performed on a stage?: no
Talked to someone you don't know?: yes
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: yes
Made out in a theatre?: no, but I want to
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: no, last time was in first grade
Been in love?: no
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: Courtney
Tell you, I love you?: Courtney
Kiss you?: Rowan
Hug you?: Courtney
Tell you BYE?: Courtney
Write you a note?: Shannon
Take your photo?: random person at AMA
Call your cell phone?: NA
Buy you something?: Courtney
Go with you to the movies?: Courtney
Sing to you?: Courtney
Write a poem about you?: Shannon
Text message you?: Colleen
Touch you?: Rowan
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: an hour ago
Time you cried?: a week ago
Movie you watched?: Underworld two
Joke you told?: (perverted)
Song you've sang?: Miss Murder
Time you've looked at the clock?: Now
Drink you've had?: Dr. Pepper
Number you've dialed?: Courtney
Book you've read?: Lirael
Food you've eaten?: Milk & cookies
Flavor of gum chewed?: Mintie
Shoes you've worn?: anarchy
Store you've been in?: Hott topic
Thing you've said?: love you
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: no
Whistle?: yes
Blow a bubble?: doing it right now
Roll your tounge in a circle?: yes, wanna see?
Cross your eyes?: yes
Touch your tounge to your nose?: no, and ewwww
Dance?: some what
Gleek?: no, my friend does that not me
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: yes, now thats fun
Speak a different language?: a little of Latin & Japanese
Impersonate someone?: no
Prank call people?: once and it wasn't that funny
Make a card pyramid?: yes, but I suck at it
Cook anything?: yes
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: fish, I'd drown
I wish ...: i could just leave
So many people don't know that ...: I hate life, and sometimes living
I am ...: not a jumpie person
My heart is ...: not always easy to find
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What wise quote fits you? [pics]*************
Your wise quote is:"Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we have to alter it every six months" by Oscar Wilde.You are a very sarcastic person with a sharp tongue. You may not be the one always talking, but your mind is nevertheless critizing. You tend to have a cynical view on life itself and be somewhat withdrawn with who you really are. Society now is in your eyes corrupted and you wonder how the world will survive. And people are in your mind very ignorant and blind to the reality.
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"I asked God for a flower, he gave me a bouquet.
I asked God for a minute, he gave me a day.
I asked God for true love, he gave me that too.
I asked for an angel and he gave me you.
But the bouquet is dying and the day gave is gone,
the true love is fading, and my angel passed on.""giving up doesn't mean that your weak it just means that your strong enough to let go""sick of crying,
tired of trying,
yeah i'm smiling
but inside i'm dieing""Some day you'll cry for me like I cried for you.
Someday you'll miss me like I missed you.
Someday you'll need me like needed you.
Someday you'll love me but I won't love you!"------------------------------------------
What quote are you?
you are a very independent person, and you believe in destiny. Your motto is "whatever happens, happens." Although you like being on your own, you also love to have companionship.
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Are you a yaoi fangirl?
You're a SCARY yaoi fangirl.
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Your Candy Heart Says "Get Real"
You're a bit of a cynic when it comes to love.
You don't lose your head, and hardly anyone penetrates your heart.
Your ideal Valentine's Day date: is all about the person you're seeing (with no mentions of v-day!)
Your flirting style: honest and even slightly sarcastic
What turns you off: romantic expectations and "greeting card" holidays
Why you're hot: you don't just play hard to get - you are hard to get
What Does Your Candy Heart Say?
You Are A Rowan Tree
You are full of charm and cheer. You light up a room.
And while you crave attention, you do it without ego.
You are an interesting mix of contradictions - and very unpredictable.
You are both dependent and independent, calm and restless.
You are passionate, emotional, gregarious, and (at times) unforgiving.
What's Your Celtic Horoscope?