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Please dont hate me just because I am Popeye The Sailor Man

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I'm Popeye the Sailor Man,
I'm Popeye the Sailor Man.
I'm strong to the finich
Cause I eats me spinach.
I'm Popeye the Sailor Man.

I'm one tough Gazookus
Which hates all Palookas
Wot ain't on the up and square.
I biffs 'em and buffs 'em
And always out roughs 'em
But none of 'em gets nowhere.

If anyone dares to risk my "Fisk",
It's "Boff" an' it's "Wham" un'erstan'?
So keep "Good Be-hav-or"
That's your one life saver
With Popeye the Sailor Man.

My Interests

If I had any interests do you think I would be here at MySpace ?

I'd like to meet:

And as long as it was not Woddy Allen I would really like to meet the Son Of A Bitch who invented the "Wooden Nickle". I got a Fricken pocket full of them now and I would love to shove them clear up his..WOOOOAH.

Who I'd hate to meet:
"Not that there is anything wrong with that but"
I do not want to meet anyone that says words like "wut up" "wat wit u".
I also do not want to meet anyone that SpEeL$ wOrDs lIk3 ThIs !
I especially do not want to meet any Gay Nigga's posing as a sexy girl with huge silicone breasts wearing nothing but a tiny thong or bikini just so their Gay Ass can chat with young unsuspecting boys.
cLiCk HeRe tO ViEw oNe oF ThEm GaY NiGgA's mYsPaCe hOmEpAgE NoW !

*If I'm completely wrong just message me and I'll remove your Fricken link !


When it comes to music and records I am just like a Parrot with a blanket over my cage. I wake up and Rock as soon as the cover comes off..and fall back asleep when the cover is put back on !

Something To Listen To


Right now my television is having a major surjury.
The Doctors are trying to pry my boot out of the picture tube as we speak !
I guess I got to angry watching that fricken Gilligan screw up another perfect oppurtunity for them Lost Peeps to get off that Island !


I should tell you a secret !
I started a very big novel when I was in first grade. Everyone thought I was really smart and all the girls in the school wanted me to be their boyfriend. But even today I am still only half way thru it and still cant figure out why the heck that stupid cat dont like Green Eggs And Ham.

If you know, please message me and tell me now.
I'm begging you !