So myspace still lives i guess, good to know. So i came around to update this crap and change my background and at the same time be late to class. Hmm so to the point.. about me.. I used to skateboard and wish i started again, i used to play the guitar but now play the piano once a week. When i'm not playing WoW I do abstract Art and Photo-Manipulation in PhotoShop CS3. I like when the world paints pretty pictures but i never can take a picture cause i don't have a camera. I love nature and the city-life if I ignore all the traffic. I wish to move out of the country or the state to try new stuff. I hate school. I love art, comics, good movies, the beach, hang'n' out, hiking, jumping over stuff "parkour", traveling, being lost, breaking stereotypes etc... What else... that's really it. Oh and I miss . If your a stalker or just someone who wants to know more abour me IM me - sn= t12u5tn00n3 .I make websites, logos, video-editing, flyers, advertisements, audio-editing and much more , hit me up if you need any.
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