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About Me

Coach Ferguson is the stern and loving parent that you love to hate. Most people liken him to Dr. Phil on 'roids or Oprah Gone Wild. Whatever the case, he gives sound advice and will get you out of any "rut" that you have.
Warning: If you have thin skin, then this is not the blog for you. This is the most controversial Coaching Blog on the Internet. Coach Ferguson gives is to you straight with "no chaser". He's raw and uncut and very success-oriented. If you are looking to read the things that you don't want to hear then click here -- http://www.coachferguson.com/ now!

Dr. Traci Ferguson, also known as "The Health and Wellness Queen" is a board certified doctor of Internal Medicine. She graduated from Georgetown University with the distinction of being inducted into Phi Beta Kappa, the worlds most prestigious Honor Society. She then went to the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine where she completed her studies and also her residency. She has formulated her blog to provide you with the Health, Wellness, Fitness, and Diet information that you need in order to keep you living long and strong. And she's a lot nicer than Coach Ferguson. If you would like to visit The Health and Wellness Queen then click here -- http://www.thehealthandwellnessqueen.com/ now.


The Judo Crusader is the only one that can really put Judo "back on the map" in today's grappling world. And the Judo Crusader does this by not alienated the other grappling arts like wrestling, jiujitsu, and sambo, but by bringing them all together and blending their strengths and by acknowledging their weaknesses.
The Judo Crusader also is a hard-nosed stickler for winning and really doesn't give a crap about what Judo traditionalist think. He knows that before it was called tradition is was first some new stuff! To check out the best Judo blog on the net click here -- http://www.thejudocrusader.com/


Who wants To Learn The Secrets To Coaching Success From a World Class Strength And Combat Sports Conditioning Coach, A 2004 Olympian and
The Man Many Call The Strength and Conditioning King?"

Then get your hand on the Free Weekly Newsletter thats on the cutting edge of strength and conditioning techniques from The Strength and Conditioning King Rhadi Ferguson!


Take a visit into my world with my wife Traci and my son Rufus at www.rhadiandtraci.com visit http://www.rhadiandtraci.com now

My Interests

My MAIN interest is helping you!

There is a fact about 2008 that is staring you right in the face and you can't even see it.

This fact is a life changing one, yet you've walked right passed it again, just like you did last year.

That fact is this.....

This year WILL NOT BE THE SAME as last year. It won't. It can't. It will inevitably be BETTER or it will be WORSE, but it won't be THE SAME.

2006 was one of the toughest year's that I had endured and in 2007 I was at rock-freaking-bottom. And in that 12 month time period, I've created more wealth, turned my health around and kicked my business and family life into high gear by using the "Wash, Rinse, and Repeat" Method.

I WASHED away the bullsmith, RINSED OFF the residue, and REPEATED the same methods that allowed me to become an Olympian in 2004 and I want to share those strategies with you so that you can make 2008 Your Best Year Ever.


I'm telling you right now, that if you join me on the 9th of January, I will single-handedly provide you with the steps and success strategies that you need to go from Chump to Champ, from Zero to Hero and from Cellar to Stellar.

If you're interested in making 2008 your best year ever, then just do yourself a favor and click the link below-- www.LetsMake2008Great.com www.LetsMake2008Great.com --