Will He Ever Be Single <3 profile picture

Will He Ever Be Single <3

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Eyuh..x mii name is Torii Webster iim 16...Big Up Maa Main Ghalz.. Danyella && Sam && Tereasa && Charlotte && Bronwyn && Amii3 && Luraa && Lil G .. i cant live wivout all mii girliess dey all specal 2 mii in different ways...weve ad r fallouts n shiit bt we stronger .. but we still runnin dis city Haha Jokez .. Big Up Maa Bestest Ghal Tereasa .. Ogosh we avv sum weriid laffs 2getfer abwt fuk all n im alwayz at er ouse either chillin or gettin pissed or gettin takeaway or duiin summit else lmaoooo Love Yew .. An e wayz aftah all mii giirls i luff .x..drinkin.x.sleepin.x.Straightners.x.Posing haha *iiAm gurd at it*.x. i cnt b assed wiv haterz n its just a waste of time if ur gunnah ryt shit wen yu dnt even no meh .. wha i wanna sey .. [X].. Purrfect giirlz rnt real n real giirlz aint perfect..[X]..X.MuchLoveTuhYuh.X....XXXXXXXXXXXXXXA..X...ADD MEH ON [email protected].
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My Interests

I'd like to meet:

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Name: .x.Torii.x.
Age: .x.16.x.
Sex: .x.Giirl.x.
Birthday: .x.16th March.x.
Birthplace: .x.Sheroe Green.x.
Current Location: .x.Preston.x.
School: .x.None.x.
Height: .x.5 ft Summiit.x.
Shoe Size: .x.5.x.
Eye Color: .x.Blue.x.
Hair Color: .x.Blondii3.x.
Skin Type: .x.Tannediish
Single?: .x.Naa.x.
Do you Smoke?: .x.Yeap Sum Tymez.x.
Do you do Drugs?: .x.Naa.x.
Do you Drink?: .x.Yeap Sum Tymez.x.
How many pairs of shoes do you own?: .x.Thousandz * What a Silly Questi0n*.x.
MCDonalds or Burger King?: .x.McDoanlds.x.
Pepsi or Coke?: .x.Coke.x
Favorite Sport?: .x.Haha Wudnt Yho0 Liike Taa Naa.x.
Do you Sing?: .x.Naa.x.
Chocolate or Vanilla?: .x.Chocolate.x.
Do you shower daily?: .x.iiBadlii3 Showaa l0l.x.
Do you want to get married?: .x.Yeap When iiAm Oldaa.x.
Do you want to have kids?: .x.Yeap When iiAm Oldaa.x.
Do you get sea sick?: .x.Yeap Sum Tymez.x.
Do you believe in yourself?: .xYeap.x.
Do you like thunderstorms?: .x.Not Realii3 Naa.x.
Are you a health freak?: .x.Yeap Can Be.x.
Do you get along with your parents?: .x.Yeap m0st 0vv Daa Tyme.x.
Do you play an instrument?: .x.Naa.x.
Number of Tattoos: .x.None.x.
Number of Piercings: .x.Tew.x.
Number of CDs I own: .x.Loadz.x.
Style: .x.?? ..Fashi0nable.. ??.x.
Pets: .x.Tew.x.
Number of Sibblings: .x.Heh.x.
What would you like to get pierced?: .x.Alreadii3 Avv.x.
Have you ever stolen from a store?: .x.Naa =S.x.
Have you ever been kicked out of a store?: .x.Yeap.x.
Have you ever stolen from your friends?: .x.Naa.x.
Have you ever beat someone up?: .x.Yeap .. 0ops.. =[.x.
Have you ever cheated on your boyfriend?: .x.Naa.x.
Have you ever turned down a dare?: .x.Yeap.x.
Have you ever kissed a boy?: .x.Are Yho0 Stupiid .. Course iiAv.x.
Own a stuffed animal?: .x.Yeap.x.
What grade are you in?: .x.None.x.
Right or Left Handed?: .x.Rightii3.x.
Have you ever broken any bones?: .x.Yeap.x.
Have you ever been stabbed/shot?: .x.Nope.x.
Have you ever stayed up all night?: .x.Yeap.x.
Do you think your attractive?: .x.Yeap l0l .. iiAint g0nnaa Lii3.x.
Who is your funniest friend?: .x.All 0vv Em.x.
Prettiest Friend?: .x.All 0vv Em.x.
Weirdest Friend?: .x.Sam l0l.x.
Do you work?: .x.Yeap.x.
Do you get good grades in school?: .x.Not Therr.x.
Number of Past Regrets: .x.Too Many l0l.x.
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.X.RnB .. garage .. grime .. sum old skewl sum dem songs wer gud bak n demm dayz hehe .. Happy Hardcore .. n e fiin Datz Funkii3.X.


.X.kidulthood dat is a biig film .. step up .. Mean Ghalz .. football factory .. save thaa last dance .. coyote ugly && Mhur.X.


.X.8 simple rules .. shameless .. skins .. hollyoaks .. Corrii3 .. Eastenders .. Tew Piintz aa Lager && a Packet 0vv Crisp xD .. desperate houswives && Mhur .X.


.X.cn read but i dnt Avv Tyme Tew Be a Sw0t N0w Aye.X.


.x.All Maa Ghalz Yho0 Naa Hu Yho0 Are.x.