live at the glebe, stocksbridge 08-09-06...
shock of the new
featuring Mr. Paul
live at the vine, leeds 03-09-06...
word on the street...
"graine are at last a band doing something really quite original and interesting within the heavy rock/metal genre. their music is very distinct and their experimentation with and twisting of vocals and musical styles and conventions is an experience. they describe themselves as 'weird dirty metal', and sounding a little like a really heavy neo-Captain Beefheart they certainly are a bit strange and i can see the dirty tag fitting quite well too. musically tight and individually excellent yet still raw and exciting, they are attempting and succeeding it would seem with something which to a lesser band would have been optimistic at best."Sandman magazine
"with a penchant for narrative lyrics that suddenly slam into a wall of breath-sucking hardcore metal, you may wonder where you would file such a band? the words address and question and draw you in before spitting you violently back to your place and the kick drum explodes so hard it rattles and vibrates every loose bottle behind the bar and every light fitting dropping from the ceiling. i think i'd probably file under gripping!"Radio Coma magazine
"certain frequencies resonanted various parts of my prefrontal cortex and the outer reaches of the hippocampus causing masses of both euphoria and unbearable pain... such a beautiful cacophany. with each bar the dialogue between harmony and discordance continued to grow before spiralling into a wall of screams and the thick crunch of guitars. They cast a bizarre image and their sound cut a deep wound into the atmosphere."Sir Arthur Bentley Esquire
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