Artist Name - BSP Real Name - Vladimir. Born in 1985, in Kiev. Interest in music have appeared in 1997, when Father presented him an old Casio syhtesizer. From this moment Vladimir start trying to recreate sounds of his favourite bands for that time, they was: Prodigy, Scooter, Jean Michael Jear, Era, Enigma. In 1999 first time get expirience working with musical softwear. In 2000 were eable to create finished track. But only in 2002, when he bought a powerfull pc, he start to create a favourite kinds of music, like trance, hard trance and tech-trance. Year 2003 & 2004 was the year of studying mixing & sound engeneering art in different Kiev studios. Also in 2004 BSP building a contact with leading dj & Producer from Holland - DJ Chiren. And in 2005 finding contact with DJ Zyon, A young Hardcore Leader in Holland. Nowdays BSP is a proffesional DJ & Producer, working in Hard trance & Techno trance styles, but also got a few other projects in different styles. Performed with Artists such as: Scooter (Year 2004 concert in Kiev), DJ Zyon, Bacid Jam, Paul Fostor, DJ Shooter & Other. Member of Alliases like - BSP, Juventa, Hardlady, Der Ketzer, Porn Allstars, Oversence, S.O.L.T. DJ Team & Jad Taxx. In a late 2006 togethere with his friend Bacid Jam creating a indie label. First Trance & harder styles oriented ukrainian label S.O.L.T. (Sound Of Legendary Trax).
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