Lobster Handshake
What it’s all about
The point is to cough it up, deep, and spit it out. In your face or on the wall. By examining the product you see our palette: sticky tobacco-brown, a little summer-green or maybe yellow for contrast (depends on the mood of the song and what you drank last night), then something dark (remains of a soul, perhaps?), and traces of blood, of course. You can’t get anywhere without spilling some blood, right?
The band Lobster Handshake, as the name indicates, is about grip, intensity, and strap-it-on-mentality. ...let it rip, but make sure there’s an option to have a laugh as well. If you take yourself too seriously, it chokes the music, you fuck it up.
LH also tries to avoid the one-trick-pony-trap: different shit for a different day, y’know? One song for the lighters-in-the-air-mood, another to get the pit going. Forrest was wrong, life is not a box of chocolates. It’s ups and downs. The point is to enjoy the ride and scream.
This is Lobster Handshake – let the fingers fly!