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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Everything under the sun is still young and the moon that glows shows lifes just begun. Its quite in tune then only till noon where the hour casts no shadow. You wonder and set aside as you sit and watch the tide, shall I give it a ride? You may run but never hide. Heaven or hell you just can never tell, life is like the breeze it comes and goes. Where it stops nobody knows, just catch it when it blows and when you reach the ground just take a look around and listen to the sound of the bird that sings, its one of lifes such beautiful things. Like a fruit tree that is planted it needs nourishment and care, it gives to the need and then one day cut down by greed just only for society to suceed. Its a careless deed but you can only lead. Nourish from the seed. Like a child at birth then one day left alone to walk the earth. Take it as your alive you have the music on your side. And then one day as you realize even after a million cries your an old man but you have kept life in the palm of your hand. While kept under the sun with still more to come. And at night the sun will go but the moon will still glow, and thats how you know that life will still grow....Life is of what most you make out of it right? A concept you should all think about. Dont you think power,money,racism,war,time and the media effect the happiness, growth, and structure of the world? How do u expect a person like me to explain myself in this 8 inch space? I believe in the inner most arts of ones soul. I am a good friend. Im not a follower. I love music. I love my family. My friends are my family and i will do anything for them. As a person I can offer alot to you and this world even though it may not seem like it, but they say you should never judge a day on its morning now should you..... Profile Edited by MPS MySpace Editor 2.0

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Less than 1% of Americans accept the truth of life and understand how our government works and realizes that ever since we have been born we have been told everything but the TRUTH and have been brainwashed by television, and materialism. And then theres the other 99.5% percent of Americans who don’t care that are country is run by a bunch of fucking puppets. They don’t care that in just about a year our national debt will be around 400,000 dollars per household and its not getting any smaller. They don’t care they have to give up a third of there salary for no fucking reason. They don’t care that more and more civil liberties are stripped from us in the name of an invisible enemy. People don’t care that are economy is going to complete shit and within a few years this recession is going to become a complete economical depression and middle class society will be abolished. They don’t care over 6 million people are going to lose there homes this year and double that the next year. People say they fucking hate communism but support it in every way by going to walmart and buying shit made from China and again people don’t care that we borrow BILLIONS of dollars from china and other countries every week to fund the Halliburton fundraising body bag fest or let me put it in terms you may understand “ THE WAR ON TERROR!” People don’t want to learn, read books and listen or support and vote for a person like RON PAUL who understands this modern day America and would like to actually make it America again like the America are founding fathers had invisioned. Nope people would rather just sit back watch Fox news and rather worry about there I phone or the next fashion trend made popular by the next fucked up popstar and listening to there fucking toby keith album instead of voting and taking a stand. I would really like to meet Ron Paul or the 0.5% of Americans who understand what is really going on and want to take a stand and make a change! Profile Edited by MPS MySpace Editor 2.0

My Blog

i actually have something to tell you...painting circles?

So most of you have not noticed I have secluded myself lately. So all of you have noticed! I have not gone out in a long time or have partied,dated,or have celebrated for anything for some time now. I...
Posted by on Wed, 29 Jul 2009 13:37:00 GMT

My Guitar Playing Video

Not my best playing it was all random riffs and licks I put together in like 10 minutes that I played through a shitty amp and recorded on a digital camera.I go out of key a little bit and my fucking ...
Posted by on Mon, 31 Mar 2008 01:53:00 GMT