Clendenning profile picture



About Me

My close friends never use my first name. They just call me Clendenning! I love art made by Francis Bacon,Luis Bunuel, Groucho Marx and Ian Fairweather. MY FAVOURITE MUSICIAN IS THE MARQUIS DE SADE. My favourite cigar at present is a Cohiba Siglo VI. I drink Makers Mark and Krug. I want to open a tattoo parlour that serves oysters,bourbon and lingerie. I am also on as pablo clendenning.

My Interests

Thinking,esoterica,sailing,taking delight in ladies and wild gals,canvas linseed oil and paint, roulette, I never met a horse i didn't like. Tattoos.Patches

Myspace Layouts at / Slobber - Image Hosting

I'd like to meet:

="movie" value="" ..Thomas Newtown- The Visitor. Dr.Strange,Sophie Marceau holding a perfect Makers Mark Bourbon Manhattan straight up with a lemon twist that she's prepared herself- there isnothing about that doll I don't like, Ana Beatriz Barros she gonna make me learn Portugese she is sweet as a nut,Zdenek Berans, Nic Roeg, the Countess of New Orleans . Jeanie N. A boy named Sue. Green eyed people of South America. George Lazenby .Francis Bacon. Francis Bacon


The Diaboliks, Mahler, Howling Wolf, Janacek ,P J Harvey, Frank Sinatra, The Fall ,Tom Waits, Lee Hazlewood and Nancy Sinatra, Sonic Youth, Bertold Brecht and Kurt Weil,Electralane, Syd Barrett,Psychobilly,Run DMC, Lester Young,Sly and the Family Stone, PIL,David Bowie,George Clinton,Leonard Cohen,Bjork,Rebecca Hancock,Lou Reed,Velvet Underground,Souxsie&the Banshees, MC5, aPrimal Scream, ACDC, The Flaming Lips, Australian X,Thomas Lear, Roxy Music,T Rex,Stooges, The Triffids,Captain Beefheart,The Loved ones ,The Standells,James Brown,Stones,Cab Calloway, Duke Ellington, John Coltrane, Public Enemy,De la Soul, Dubliners, Specials, Madness,Desmond Dekker,Lee Perry, Serge Gainsbourg, Kinks, Afrika B, Coleman Hawkins, Muddy Waters, Leadbelly, Dr.John, YMO, Pixies, Gregory Issacs, Echo& Bunnymen, The The, Manuel De Falla, Marc Almond, Nick Cave, The Church, The Saints, Lush,Sigur Ros, Only Ones, Undertones,Mozart,Handel, Brahms, Berlioz, Puccini, Verdi, Bizet, Smiths, Divine Comedy, Motorhead, Associates, Burt Baccarach,The Reels,Masters Apprentices, Easybeats, Radio Birdman,Cold Chisel,Jim Webb,Elvis,My Bloody Valentine, Zydeco Jim, Creedence, The Saints,THE LEBANESE UNDERGROUND SCRAMBLED EGGS, THE NEW GOVERNMENT The Diaboliks


Add to My Profile | More VideosNIGHTWATCH,Love is the Devil The vampire lovers,Man of flowers,Tampopo, Mad max 2,Casablanca, Belle de Jour, the Discrete charm o teh Bourgoisie, Vertigo,BAttle of Algiers, Lost Highway,Betty Blue,3 colours red and Blue, sodd white,The Thin man, Mishima, Cyrano de Bergerac, Performance, Walkabout,The man who fell to earth,Don't look now,Key Largo, The Big Sleep, OHMSS, Diva, The devil rides Out, Vampire Circus, Cat People ( Both), Godfather2, Team America, Some like it Hot, Top Hat, all Marx Bros, Manhattan, Annie hall, Love and Death, The Devils, LAir of the White worm, I know where I'm going, Monsieur Hire, Ammores Perros, City Of God,Matador, Company of Wolves, Paris Texas, Raging Bull, A matter of lie and Death, Bandwagon, Easter Parade, La Belle et Le bete, Pulp Fiction, Airplane, Dracula, Notorious, Kagemusha, Merry Xmas Mr Lawrence, Lawrence of Arabia, Casino Royale


Nancy Sinatra & Lee Hazlewood - Some Velvet Morning

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Goin to put authors Bulgakov E.Bronte Rhys Maraigd Evans Bataille De Sade Chekov Flann o'Brien Stoker Le Fanu Homer Kant Kiergegaard Conras Chatwin Austen Mitford Tolstoy Casanova ondatjee Dransfield Dickinson Carol Ann Duffy Burroughs Kerouac Fitzgerald Hemmingway Pushkin Capek Chandler Hammnet Greene J.Roth Rl Stevenson Byron Wilde Coleridge Neruda Baudelaire Pope Milton Forbes Shelley Akhmatova Verlaine Tsvetaeva Frazer Faulkner Goethe Pinter Bacon Shakespeare O;neill Cervantes saki Dickens Kundera kafka Maugham Muraski Oe Murakami Melville Guimalees-rosa Kalidasa Leopardi White Nietzche De Mointaigne Artaud Dumas Camus Rushdie celine Bradbury Kingsley amis Lorca Rilke Schiller T williams Twain Ginsberg Whitman Hunter S thompson Behan satre Beckett Raliegh Voltaire Vonnegut Vidal Dante Eco Marcel Ponty Robertson davies Henning Brian Castro Happy House - Souixsie & the Banshees (Live 1981)


Leo Clendenning,Angela Mahony,Gabriel Clendenning,Jeanie N,John Reed, Brian Rutnam,Mark and Derryn Playford,Marx Bros,George Lazenby,Alexis Korner,Seamus Enright,Wendy Knight,Thomas Newton,Jitka Maskova,Odysseus,Rebecca Hancock,Joe Maher,Gramsci,Tich Nhat Hanh,Sir Richard Burton,Francis Bacon,Ian Fairweather,Lloyd Rees,Desmond Dekker,Caravaggio,Davey Warbeck,Blaise Cendrars,Oscar Wilde,Nagisa Oshima, Jan Palach,Sly Stone,Sue McHattie, Phillip Marlowe,William.S Burroughs,Luis Bunuel,Nehru, Ashille Gorky,Bootsy Collins,Goya,ChuCulain,Voltaire, Kiergegaard,Patrick Leigh Fermor,Lord Byron,The Chola sculptors, Malcolm X,James Brown,Afrika Bambaata,Michelle Yeoh,Emily Dickinson,Bulgakov,Patrick Viera,George Piggins,Zdenek Berans,Jan Kubis,Josef Gubcik,Rabbi Loew,Eleanor of Aquitaine,Gore Vidal, Kurt Vonnegut,Nic Roeg,Billy Wilder,Bataille,Duc de Richelieu,the Voodoo queen, Margarita,Serge Gainsbourg, Lou Reed,Tom Waits,Juan Davila,Muhammad Ali, Lester Young,Lord Berners,Gerhard Richter,St.Francis of Assisi,James Lovelock,Robert Fisk,Count Dracula, Carmilla Karnstein,Pierre Loti,Julie Jones,Spike Milligan, Peter Sellers, hannibal Lecter,Desert Orchid, Jeune, Moscow Flyer,Dr.Strange, Silver Surfer,Brian Wilson, Ernst Lubitsch,John Lydon,Ava Gardner,Sophie Marceau, Louis Tillet,Avril Winters,Lee Hazlewood,Jim Webb, Howling wolf,Martina Navaratilova, Simon Wiesenthal, rauol wallenberg,Souixsie,anyone who was with me at the Rio carnival and Help nightclub Feb 2004, Karen Sinha ray, Michelle Ruzziconni, Amber Johnson where are you? David Lynch,Martin Scorcese,Harold Pinter,TR, Bobby Gillespie,Nietzche,Humphrey Bogart,Prince, Phillip de Rotschild,Fred Astaire, Frank Sinatra,Cohiba Siglo Vi,Tycho Brahe,Peter Beneson, Mark E smith,Armagh County GFC,Leonard Cohen, Manuel de Falla, Sara Anderson, Tracey Brewis, Robert Louis Stevenson, Germaine Greer, Pat Califa,Billy Mackenzie,Gabriel's mother, anyone who has ever kissed me the fools. p;videoid=5984315

My Blog

Learning Russian by dancing sign language

Well my head came back and it said move to Brno, all this trying to learn Russian at night by sign language is doin you the world of good, but it is not improving your brush strokes. Petrovice in sum...
Posted by Clendenning on Fri, 21 Sep 2007 11:59:00 PST


Posted by Clendenning on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 04:00:00 PST