Reading, Badminton, soccer, hockey, tennis badminton, table tennis canoing, kayakking. Basically water sports and sports that involve a racket. Dont mind volleyball too. Chatting with friends is a must, clubbing and having fun.
People from all around the world. Gotta cherish life and live it to the fullest. We've got only 1 life to live anyway. SIEZE THE MOMENT!! And especially people that will bother to reply.
R&B, Soul, Jazz, Latin, Flamenco. Occasionally there'll be rock, house, rock and pop and even classical music. Fav grps and singers like radiohead, coldplay, sting, metallica, nirvana, moby, linkin park, engima, gregorain chant (something peaceful) :) Oh Maoon 5 Rocks too! Hmm, got to add that lounge music is fantastic.
Anything with a good plot, with a tinge of humour, a teaspoon of romance and peppered with action.
Everything. Comedysare great stuff! 3 Rock form the sun, The Black Adder, Mind your Language, The Simpsons!!!
Books written by Tony Parsons. Rameses, eygptian series by Christian Jacq, 1984, Answer Me. Annie Rice series. Michael Cricton.
Still Looking for it.