Tactical Strategies and Concepts, Inc profile picture

Tactical Strategies and Concepts, Inc

Company website still under construction. Please contact us via myspace for any questions.

About Me

Eric served over 4 years in the United States Marine Corps, conducting amphibious assault and security operations. Qualified by the USMC’s Special Operations Training Group, he was forward deployed with the 24th Marine Expeditionary Unit (Special Operations Capable) from May till October of 2001. In this time he trained with military units from Spain, England, France, Italy, and Greece, and also provided overseas security operations before, during, and after 9/11. In March 2003 he participated in Operation Iraqi Freedom with the 1st Marine Expeditionary Force involved in combat operations. After receiving an honorable discharge he spent another 4 years working in critical infrastructure protection for the private security industry. Eric Ives has provided high risk security in over a dozen countries and throughout the United States. He has provided anti-terrorism and security operations at both US nuclear facilities and US military weapons instillations. He is highly experienced in the real world tactical application of small, medium and heavy weapons. He has been qualified to conduct operations involving the Tactical Rescue of Aircraft Personnel; Non-combatant Evacuation Operations, Military Operations in Urban Terrain, Enemy Prisoner of War handling, Dynamic and Deliberate Clearing Techniques, Low- Light/No-Light Tactical Operations, Active Shooter Response, and High Risk PSS/PSD operations. Eric has also been certified in Defensive Folding Knifes, Firearms Retention, Disarming, and Recovery, and Terrorist Tactics and Weapons. He has trained and completed courses at some of the finest training centers in the world, such as, Tactical Response Inc., Front Sight Firearms Training Institute, Awareness Protective Consultants, Northeastern Tactical Schools, the National Rifle Association and, the US Marine Corps. He is a certified Active Shooter Combat Operator Instructor, High Risk Operator, NRA Firearms Instructor, Home Firearm Safety Instructor, Range Safety Officer, and certified GLOCK Armorer. He has completed many courses such as Terrorism Awareness, War-fighting Techniques, War-fighting Tactics, and Personal Security Management to name a few, given by such places, as the Marine Corps Institute, the Department of Defense, and the Defense Security Services. He is associated with the International Association for Counter-Terrorism and Security Professionals, the International Counter Terrorist Officers Association, the International Defensive Pistol Association, and the International Practical Shooting Confederation. He is a Lifetime Member of FRONT SIGHT Firearms Training Institute, GLOCK Sport Shooting Foundation, The National Rifle Association, and a member of the Tactical Response Alumni.

My Interests

Professional Links:

Myspace Graphics | 9/11 Banners

Myspace Graphics | 9/11 Banners

Myspace Tracker

I'd like to meet:

At TSC, we believe the primary weapon is the mind. Further more the mind is the ultimate weapon. We at TSC have a concept that everyone is given a “tactical toolbox of life,” and it is up to that individual to fill that toolbox, with the necessary tools to survive a tactical engagement. When locked in mortal combat against an enemy, it is either fight or flight. We want you to be victorious in your fight, and not become another victim, but we also want you to be able to recognize when flight is your most viable option. We have a strong belief that no one way is the right way. What worked for you yesterday may not work today. Through our seminars and hands on instructional classes we can show you new tools to add to your “toolbox,” and then let you, the student, take what we give you, combined with all your other training, shake that box and find what really works for you. We will work with you to hone your skills whatever your skill level. With our private instruction, you the student can be paired up with one or two of our instructors to give their undivided attention to help you achieve your goals. All training is discreet and your attendance with us is held confidential We also offer group training with three to four of our instructors, for Military, Law Enforcement and Security personnel. Let Tactical Strategies & Concepts give you the skills you always wanted, and knowledge and skill level you thought you could never reach. We are not just another school, we are about survival.

Contact us by sending a message for questions or a list of our training courses. Be sure to ask about our force on force training.

**AIR SOFT** For some reason we attract a lot of air soft companies, teams, players and kids. We are not an air soft company nor do we play air soft games. We do not associate with the air soft world at all. If you want to pick up a weapon and wear a uniform, join the military and fight were the blood and the death is real. We are a company full of combat veterans from the Operation's Desert Shield/Storm, Continue Hope, Deny Flight, Provide Promise, Support Democracy, and Iraqi Freedom. We have all seen our fair share of death and destruction on the real world playing field. We are here to teach our law enforcement, military and armed security personnel how to survive in the real world. Our intense force on force scenarios include the use of the most realistic air soft gear available but the mindset of our operations is different than yours. If you are interested in real world operational training, as some our air soft friends have come to be, feel free to contact us. If not do not bother checking out the rest of this site, our clicking on us as friends.


Reading for the Professional:

"TACTICS OF THE CRESENT MOON" Militant Muslim Combat Methods by 'The Last Hunderd Yards' author, H. John Poole

"TERROR AT BESLAN" by John Giduck

"ON KILLING" The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman

"ON COMBAT" The Psychology and Physiology of Deadly Conflict in War and Peace by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman


Cpl Kemeaphoom Chanawongse USMC Killed in Action 23 March 2003 Iraq
Sgt Micheal Bitz USMC Killed in Action 23 March 2003 Iraq
Awarded Silver Star
Silver Star Citation
On March 23, 2003, during an attack on An Nasiriyah, Iraq, Marine Sgt. Michael Bitz's assault amphibian vehicle sustained a direct hit from a rocket-propelled grenade, setting it on fire. Aware that there were several casualties on board, he maneuvered his vehicle to the company's defensive perimeter. He immediately assisted in moving the wounded to the casualty collection point.
Without an amphibious assault vehicle to command and under unrelenting enemy small-arms and artillery fire, he picked up his rifle and joined a squad of the 3rd Platoon in a deliberate assault. His efforts substantially aided the platoon and, after the squad sustained several casualties, Sgt. Bitz ignored his own wounds and helped in loading the others onto an evacuation vehicle.
Despite receiving unrelenting fire, Sgt. Bitz mounted a different vehicle to provide security for the casualties. While escorting the wounded during movement, Sgt. Bitz was mortally wounded by enemy fire when his vehicle sustained a direct hit from a rocket-propelled grenade.
By his outstanding display of decisive leadership, unlimited courage in the face of heavy enemy fire, and utmost devotion to duty, Sgt. Bitz reflected great credit upon himself and upheld the highest tradition of the Marine Corps and the United States Naval Service.