down 4 da count profile picture

down 4 da count

it's taking over....

About Me

I'm a work in progress to say the least. I have many thing to accomplish and SOME things that I have. I'm 22 going on 23, but whoa does it feeling like much more then that. I'm oretty muture for my age I'd say, wouldnt go as far as to say I have all my stuff together, but working on it. I'm a guy who learns from mistakes (not just my own, others too), I'm human, guess I can feel, think, and believe like everyone else. I am pretty open-minded and passionate about people and adventures, you know like trying new things

My Interests

7/29/2006 Splash - Saturday Night, Level 2 ..

I'd like to meet:

I would like to meet someone who is:Someone that isn't afraid to approach me,or let me approach them. I am kinda shy, so I understand. I am looking for the guy who's looking for me! You would have to be funny, or laugh alot, cute, be into taking risk, upbeat, open-minded. Somone who not afraid to be himself and let others know what's he's about. I am totally family and future oreinted( more family). Someone who takes similar interests in my interests,but not my totally 100% into my ideas, i like diveristy.


Pop/Rock, Punk, R&B, Mo'town, Jazz, all kinds of stuff:Robin Thicke, Keisha Cole,Mary J. Blidge, TLC, Love J.Lo, Kelly Clarkson, E-40 stuff, Missy Elliot, Nelly Furtado, Linkin Park, the used, My chemical romance, Taking back sunday, Red Jump Suit Apparatus, gwene Stefani and some No doubt stuff, Freestyle music, Rhianna, Chris Brown, Neo,


Step-mom,Ratatouille, Wedding Crashers,Grandma's Boy, Lost Boys, The wedding singer, I am Legend, Mi familia, Beautiful Boxer, BrokeBack Mountain, The Passion of Christ, 10,000 BC, Jungle Book, Blood in Blood out (I know gangsta huh?)


Cheaters.Jude Hatchet, Kristina's court, "Medium", " Will and Grace", The News, "Jerry Springer" (it's so trashy), " One Tree Hill" ( how sad, now they send me text messages referring to the show), "Ellen", sometimes "Opera", "Queer as Folk", "Cops (when our relatives aren't on there)**ofcourse this is when I do watch T.V.**


Any Echo Bodine book, she gives you different insites on life. The Autobiography of Malcolm X, The Bible is a good one, Junkie:by William Borrows, The magazine: The Advocategreat source of information. Men's health, Alex Sanchez books


IS there such things as hereos w/o capes and secrete identities?

My Blog

Your knife back

You can have your knife back. The pain is still there, where you hurt me last. LAST... because the only one who carries the burden of hurt is me now. Why? Why for so long, why at all. Letting go I'm g...
Posted by down 4 da count on Wed, 02 Aug 2006 11:42:00 PST

theory of deeds

Can you really do for others what you can't do for yourself? That's an interesting question I think. I think in human nature we tend to want the best for other people and what their successes and achi...
Posted by down 4 da count on Fri, 13 Jun 2008 05:05:00 PST

once upon a time...

Can life really be like a story book, Once upon a time...... It has to be more complicated then that, But how do you get the perfect "LOVE Story"? How can you manage to get a Happily ever after withou...
Posted by down 4 da count on Wed, 21 May 2008 12:21:00 PST


History Baby! But we really must ask ourselves, we will be featured in history books? Does LGBT dicrimination cases, lawesuites, and civil suites make text book, just like Afro-Americans history, imme...
Posted by down 4 da count on Fri, 16 May 2008 10:45:00 PST

one love....

eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeone love for love for life. one love thats true, one love that's love to hold, one love to kiss,one love to fin...
Posted by down 4 da count on Fri, 02 May 2008 10:58:00 PST

can i fall again

Can you fall again? Thats what I'm asking myself now and days.....  Can you really love someone twice? Can you give them the same amount of love, sacrifice, attention, emotions, loyalty, committm...
Posted by down 4 da count on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 05:28:00 PST


Can you feel again, can your heart beat again? This feeling, this place I’m in, reminds me of a song by Hoobastank"make me feel again".  I would describe it how I feel. Like reinventing you...
Posted by down 4 da count on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 07:27:00 PST


Times right now are so unclear, when you think you can see the outcome of what the furture has in store for you, you turn a corner, The corner is sharp, undiscovered and your walking alone. It’s...
Posted by down 4 da count on Thu, 27 Mar 2008 06:29:00 PST

lost with my heart

How can you with life, when your lost? Dont know where to turn, where to go, or how to get out. It’s like being buried with sand, having it pour over you too fast and no one there to help you ou...
Posted by down 4 da count on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 10:35:00 PST


So I’ve felt dissatisfied with the choices I’ve made within this last year. How I’ve brought myself down to the point of where I am today. But why? The choices I’ve made, I pro...
Posted by down 4 da count on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 10:55:00 PST