7/29/2006 Splash - Saturday Night, Level 2 ..
I would like to meet someone who is:Someone that isn't afraid to approach me,or let me approach them. I am kinda shy, so I understand. I am looking for the guy who's looking for me! You would have to be funny, or laugh alot, cute, be into taking risk, upbeat, open-minded. Somone who not afraid to be himself and let others know what's he's about. I am totally family and future oreinted( more family). Someone who takes similar interests in my interests,but not my totally 100% into my ideas, i like diveristy.
Pop/Rock, Punk, R&B, Mo'town, Jazz, all kinds of stuff:Robin Thicke, Keisha Cole,Mary J. Blidge, TLC, Love J.Lo, Kelly Clarkson, E-40 stuff, Missy Elliot, Nelly Furtado, Linkin Park, the used, My chemical romance, Taking back sunday, Red Jump Suit Apparatus, gwene Stefani and some No doubt stuff, Freestyle music, Rhianna, Chris Brown, Neo,
Step-mom,Ratatouille, Wedding Crashers,Grandma's Boy, Lost Boys, The wedding singer, I am Legend, Mi familia, Beautiful Boxer, BrokeBack Mountain, The Passion of Christ, 10,000 BC, Jungle Book, Blood in Blood out (I know gangsta huh?)
Cheaters.Jude Hatchet, Kristina's court, "Medium", " Will and Grace", The News, "Jerry Springer" (it's so trashy), " One Tree Hill" ( how sad, now they send me text messages referring to the show), "Ellen", sometimes "Opera", "Queer as Folk", "Cops (when our relatives aren't on there)**ofcourse this is when I do watch T.V.**
Any Echo Bodine book, she gives you different insites on life. The Autobiography of Malcolm X, The Bible is a good one, Junkie:by William Borrows, The magazine: The Advocategreat source of information. Men's health, Alex Sanchez books
IS there such things as hereos w/o capes and secrete identities?