Andreas profile picture


Sorry, I wasn't listening.

About Me

sometimes i like to toss some laphroaig in the flask, put the headphones on, and go for a nice long walk over to queen anne. sitting on the wall under one of those old streetlights on eighth avenue, looking out over the bay right around midnight—it's hard to beat. UPDATE 6/20/07: OUT OF SCOTCH. OH NOES!

My Interests

Books, crosswords, coffee, tea, sleep, walking, biking, thinking too much, &c.

I'd like to meet:

people who like to lean and/or rock with it, especially to hall & oates or french shit from the '30s.


I like a lot of stuff. I don't like free jazz.


I don't go to the pictures much. Some favorites: The Shawshank Redemption; Ghost World; Sous le sable; American Psycho; The Big Lebowski; Harold and Maude; Ravenous; most Jarmusch; most Tarantino; most Kubrick (I found 2001 incredibly boring, but The Shining is probably my all-time favorite film).


Hockey & football, Family Guy, The Simpsons, House, L&O, Arrested Development, NewsRadio, Homicide, Get Smart, Dobie Gillis, Only Fools & Horses, A Bit of Fry & Laurie, Black Books, &c.


Recent past: Camus's A Happy Death, Yasunari Kawabata's The Old Capital.
Present: Kawabata's Scarlet Gang of Asakusa and First Snow on Fuji.
Future hopefuls: Some Heidegger, Sartre, and maybe even Joyce.

I generally eschew contemporary literature: if it hasn't been around for a while, I don't trust it to be worth my while (and since I ain't exactly a speed reader, this is an important consideration). I used to have a rule against reading books over 300 pages, but lately I've taken to the 600-800 page books.

Some historical and ongoing loves: Yasunari Kawabata; Albert Camus (particularly Exile and the Kingdom); George Sand's Consuelo; Thomas Mann; Dostoevsky; Tolsoy; Chekhov; The Way of a Pilgrim; Alessandro Baricco; Jules Romains's The Death of a Nobody.
