Books, crosswords, coffee, tea, sleep, walking, biking, thinking too much, &c.
I'd like to meet:
people who like to lean and/or rock with it, especially to hall & oates or french shit from the '30s.
I like a lot of stuff. I don't like free jazz.
I don't go to the pictures much. Some favorites: The Shawshank Redemption; Ghost World; Sous le sable; American Psycho; The Big Lebowski; Harold and Maude; Ravenous; most Jarmusch; most Tarantino; most Kubrick (I found 2001 incredibly boring, but The Shining is probably my all-time favorite film).
Hockey & football, Family Guy, The Simpsons, House, L&O, Arrested Development, NewsRadio, Homicide, Get Smart, Dobie Gillis, Only Fools & Horses, A Bit of Fry & Laurie, Black Books, &c.
Recent past: Camus's A Happy Death, Yasunari Kawabata's The Old Capital.
Present: Kawabata's Scarlet Gang of Asakusa and First Snow on Fuji.
Future hopefuls: Some Heidegger, Sartre, and maybe even Joyce.
I generally eschew contemporary literature: if it hasn't been around for a while, I don't trust it to be worth my while (and since I ain't exactly a speed reader, this is an important consideration). I used to have a rule against reading books over 300 pages, but lately I've taken to the 600-800 page books.
Some historical and ongoing loves: Yasunari Kawabata; Albert Camus (particularly Exile and the Kingdom); George Sand's Consuelo; Thomas Mann; Dostoevsky; Tolsoy; Chekhov; The Way of a Pilgrim; Alessandro Baricco; Jules Romains's The Death of a Nobody.