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!!!ZA NAROCILO CD-ja STARDUST pišite na:
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Cena albuma je 10€+poštnina*********************************************
Obidil was formed in 2000 when Klemen, Tomaž and Andrej decided to play together again. Their first band Bad Law was formed in 1990 and then disbanded in 1999, as it slowly turned into a cover band while performing on stages all over Slovenia. They really wanted to enjoy playing their own music. Gašper joined them ..boards and Katarina occupied the vocals. As all the members loved heavy metal music, it became Obidil's main direction but the band was open to other influences too. The lyrics talked about social and individual values and described human feelings about experiencing life which were told through stories. In 2001 Obidil started to perform live and at the end of the same year recorded their first album The Magic Word which was published by On-Parole in 2002. In the next three years Obidil performed many concerts in Slovenia and worked on a new material but in 2005 Gašper decided to leave. The sound of keyboards was replaced by the sound of the second guitar and Rok (Metalsteel) joined the band. At about the same time, Obidil left On-Parole and started recording in the Ork studio in the following year. The band stayed on its own path and recorded ten songs, including Electric Soul and Castles in the Air. With all love involved, playing in the band is also time consuming, so Andrej decided to leave and Matej (Metalsteel) took his place. So, Obidil is spelled again just to make some more mess.
Skupina Obidil je nastala leta 2000, ko so se Klemen, Andrej in Tomaz odlocili oziviti veselje ob ustvarjanju avtorske glasbe. Njihova prva skupina Bad Law je nastala leta 1990 in je devet let kasneje, ko je scasoma postala uigran cover band, razpadla. Pridruzila sta se jim se klaviaturist Gasper in pevka Katarina. Zvok skupine izvira iz skupne naklonjenosti tezkometalnim vodam, vendar se jim ne podreja; zgodbe v besedilih se dotikajo cloveskih vrednot in obcutkih ob dozivljanju sveta. Leta 2001 je skupina Obidil prvic stopila na slovenske odre in konec istega leta posnela svoj prvenec The Magic Word, ki je leto kasneje izsel pri založbi On-Parole. V naslednjih treh letih je band nastopal in ustvarjal novo glasbo, vseeno pa se je leta 2005 Gasper odlocil, da ga zapusti. Zvok klaviatur je zamenjal zvok druge kitare in skupini se je pridruzil Rok (Metalsteel); prekinjeno je bilo tudi sodelovanje z zaloznikom. Leto 2006 je bilo namenjeno predvsem snemanju v studiu Ork, kjer sta med desetimi posnetimi pesmimi, nastala tudi Electric Soul in Castles in the Air. Kljub sproscenemu vzdusju, je delo zahtevalo veliko casa in vlozenega truda, zato se je Andrej odlocil, da se vsaj nekaj casa ne bo vec ukvarjal z glasbo; zamenjal ga je basist Matej (Metalsteel). Obidil se se oglasa in vasim usesom namenja nove uroke."OVERDRIVE" trailer 01