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I am here for Friends and Networking

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My Interests

Bass, Streetshopping, Wiesegammeln, Rumgucken, Flohmarkt, Wannsee, Heimat, Traeumen

I'd like to meet:

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fetziger Gitarrenrock, Incubus, the Cinematic Orchestra, Jose Gonzales, Karate, Björk, Jamie T, Moneybrother, the Notwist, the National, Finn, Bloc Party, Robocop Kraus, State Radio, Bitune, Astra Kid, Jean Lemon, Simple Freaks, Phoenix, Sigur Ros, Muse, Logh, Radiohead, Dispatch, und so weiter und so fort...


harold & maud, stay, night on earth, science of sleep, wer früher stirbt ist länger tot, naked lunch, gernstl..s reisen, the party, der malteser falke, the godfather, pulp fiction, the man with the movie camera, fight club, bang boom bang, big lebowski, hero, das leben des brian, herr lehmann, coffee & cigarettes, brokeback mountain, the big pink, metropolis, die fabelhafte Welt der Amelie, Brombeerchen, Ronja Räubertochter, das Leben der anderen, war photographer, paris is burning, der Herr der Ringe, der Verführer lässt schön grüssen, Ladykillers, Torremolinos Homevideos, lost highway, Otto or up with dead people; blue in the face


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