Contessa Phyre© *MOTL Master* profile picture

Contessa Phyre© *MOTL Master*

Every sin, holy in my touch....

About Me

Welcome, everyone. Allow me to introduce myself. I am Tiffany Phyre, the Countess of Darkness. Contessa being Italian for "Countess." A little about myself. I was born into a prestigious family whose craft was sorcery. I had a happy childhood up until my parents were taken from me... murdered by a man who was once a part of the same dark syndicate that they were a part of at the time. It was out of jealousy, for he was of a higher position than them, but felt they received more respect and courtesy from the leader than he did. His jealousy was what lead to his termination from the syndicate, being stripped of his title as "Duke" because of an attempt to frame my parents for the murder of another syndicate member, whom he had killed. The former "Duke" was to be slain, but he went into hiding before taking my parents' lives and disappearing again. A little about this syndicate. They used a monarchical setup, the positions being titles of nobility and royalty. My parents were the "Count and Countess of Darkness." The leader was the "King." The King was a close friend of my father's, and had discovered him the night of their murder, trying to hang on to the last shred of life within him. He vowed before my father died in his arms, that he would take care of me. But that vow was broken a year and a half later, when he disappeared from my life so suddenly and for reasons that are still unbeknownst to me. Ever since then, I have been alone. I was still a child at the time, only 7. But my childhood ended the moment I was left for dead. I had to survive on my own, left to take of myself as well as the large manor that I still live in today. But luckily for me, I had sorcery on my side, for my father was teaching me to become a sorceress before his untimely death. It was then that I decided to take on the title of "Countess of Darkness" in honor of my parents. I am not a part of the syndicate, though... for that had disappeared shortly after the King did. When I reached my adolescence, I explored the outside world more, making friends as well as enemies. I was very much into the nightlife scene, which I still am. And I became a businesswoman in the nightlife entertainment business. I was a traveling fighter for awhile as well, doing underground battles and such. And that is how I came across the fighters who are now my MOTL, or Men of the Labyrinth. They are my fighters and my servants... an all male troupe. There is plenty more to learn about me. But I prefer to not completely reveal myself, and allow others to discover bits and pieces as they get to know me more. (OOC: Just so everyone knows, I am up to rp relationships. My character is single, however if you are interested in an rl relationship, sorry boys. In rl, I am happily taken*

My Interests

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I'd like to meet:

Kind, respectful, courteous beings.
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Rap, metal, rock, Italian music, reggaeton, salsa, merengue, dance, trance, techno, classical.... I listen to nearly everything (except country)---------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------


I can't even begin to type my list of favorite movies because you'd be scrolling down the page for eternity. So I'll just say that I like horror, action, thriller, some drama, anime, and comedy films...... and plenty of gangster flicks ^_^


I watch many things on tv... too much to list. ~~~~~~nWo 4 LIFE~~~~~~-----------------------------------


classic horror books like Dracula & Phantom of the Opera/spiritual books/sex books, of course ^_~


My dearest friends and allies