Film, Sound, Art and Culture. Having a Great time. Experiancing new things. Meeting new people. Finding new party spots. Traveling to new places. Wine country!;) The ocean. The city. San Fransico,Miami and NY. The London Tube. Thai Whiskey and Red bull. Relaxing with an ice cold Rum Rummer. Florida beaches. Boating, Fishing, Water sking and Scuba diving. Funny people, Hollywood and the 405(not). Spinning records, Spinning Video, Spending time on My Mac. Surfing the net learning new things seeing new things i what to see, be and experiance.Fashion, Colors and a phat new pair of kicks. Somthing that sticks in the mind of a really great time.
To Check out a clip from Puzz:e Piece and Chuck Fry's "No Matter Where I Go" Click on the above image!
Transpotting,28 Days Later, Shallow Grave, The Beach, Magnolia, Fight Club, Kill Bill,Never Ending Story, The Cell, Reservoir Dogs, Jerry Maguire, Willa Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, Garden State, The Jacket, Alice and Wonder Land, Pie, and lots more lets talk about it!..
Entourage,Blind Date, O.C. Simpsons, Punked, King of the Hill, American Choppers, Shit sometimes what ever is on!