If You Take A Step Towards Freedom, Freedom Will Take Two Steps Towards You.The few. The proud. The Nightwatchman Brigade. An elite cadre of dedicated subversives. Your mission will be neither easy nor safe. Infiltrate the media, rally the faithful, resist the forces of reaction, and wield the audio ammunition of The Nightwatchman as a battering ram for Social Justice. How? By Any Means Necessary. What's at stake? Everything. This is not a dress rehearsal. Desperate times demand desperate measures, desperate music. The Future Is Unwritten. And from this moment forward: History Is Yours To Make.-- THE NIGHTWATCHMAN-----------------------------------------------
So now you know that the Brigade is for getting the word out about The Nightwatchman! His new album is coming out on the 24th and if you have the time, we have the work. It won't be all work though. We do have a few things up our sleeves- contests, swag and maybe even a ticket or two. Get us your info, and we'll get you going. If you have requested to be a part of the Brigade on The Nightwatchman's myspace page, you're already a part of the team.We'll give the Brigade members a couple of tasks at the end of the week. Please check back on the message board for regular updates as we will not be e-mailing everyone individually. However you must sign up for the Brigade to take credit for your work.Thanks for your help! If you have questions, ideas or suggestions, please feel free to send them our way.-- Dana, Nikki and Laurie
[email protected]
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Tom Morello May 1st 2007 Rally Los Angles
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