Marshall profile picture


The weak shall inherit the earth. In the meantime, I'mma gonna take it now.

About Me

Who the hell am I? If you know me, you know me. If you don't, then I'm sure you don't really care. Do you? For a change, I'm actually going to write something about myself, instead of useless gibberish. Although, what I'm about to write is ultimately egotistical useless gibberish, but I'll play along with this MySpace thing, just this once.
I play for a band. The band is called Wasabi. The Wasabi is a rock and roll outfit from Fort Collins, Colorado. The Colorado is where I am from. The I is harder to pin down than the previous statements. I also play in a band called The Years. The Years have been fairly good to me since my birth. My Birth was longer ago than I want to admit. My admittance to the above statements would not be possible without my parents, without whom my birth would not have happened either. My parents are my favorite people, and my biggest heroes. My heroes include my parents, Batman, Frank Zappa, and to a lesser extent: musicians, filmmakers, good hearted politicians, and animals the world over, especially dogs. I get along better with dogs than I do with people; at parties, you can generally find me in the kitchen chatting with/petting the dogs that got dragged to the party, and then forgotten about while the owner drinks as much booze as they can before passing out and letting the dog run out the back door when the smokers go out to have a smoke break. I hate people that don't pay attention to their dogs; why have one if you just ignore them?
If you don't know me after reading that, then you're fresh out of luck, because I'm not going to say a whole lot more here. And if you think you know me after reading that, then you're dimmer than a 10w light bulb, and you might want to turn off before burning out. But I forgive you anyway. I forgive all of you.
The most important thing I know: I know nothing.

My Interests

Playing music, listening to music, seeing music performed by musicians; certain video games; reading life changing books; sociology and to a lesser extent, philosophy; film; writing; and evidently, exposing myself to faceless internet surfers.

I'd like to meet:

My parents at my age. Tom Robbins. General Patton. Benjamin Franklin. My grandparents at my age. Archimedes. Frank Zappa. John the Baptist. Robert Persig. Stanly Kubrick. Dionysus. etc.


I'm afraid I can't really answer this question accurately without typing for hours... BUT, I will name a FEW bands and musicians I like: Frank Zappa, Beethoven, Primus, Miles Davis, Tool, RATM, Herbie Hancock, MMW, SCI, Bach, Charles Mingus, Pearl Jam, STP, Mozart, Fishbone, etc.


Fight Club, Star Wars 4 & 5, 12 Monkeys, Adaptation, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Brazil, 2001: A Space Odyssey, lots of subtitled films, etc.


TV sucks, but I watch it. It's a curse. Old Simpsons, Flight of the Conchords, BATTLESTAR GALACTICA, Deadwood, Trailer Park Boys, etc.


Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Lila, Skinny Legs and All, 1984, Brave New World, Fight Club, etc.


I listed them in my "about me" section. So if you didn't read it... then shame shame shame and tsk tsk tsk.

My Blog

Excerpt from current writing project

I just wanted to "blog" something, anything, but I don't have much to say. So, instead I'm going to copy and paste an excerpt from one of my current writing projects. This is the first chapter. Please...
Posted by Marshall on Fri, 11 Jul 2008 04:51:00 PST

The informant

His name is Ryszard. Well, that's what he says his name is. Truth be told, I haven't the foggiest what his real name is. The truth, his truth, isn't important. His information, however, is.He's be...
Posted by Marshall on Wed, 07 Jun 2006 12:44:00 PST

Perverted Justice

So, I sometimes post fiction and other writings on another site called Ubersite (if you want, you can see my collected works here: I wrote the following in repsonse...
Posted by Marshall on Tue, 30 May 2006 09:47:00 PST

movie romanceeeee

So, I watch a lot of movies. I'm not talking about 1 random crappy movie here and there... I mean A LOT. I love good cinema, almost, but not quite as much as I love music. My whole life's pursuit i...
Posted by Marshall on Sun, 21 May 2006 02:52:00 PST

I need a new picture

Yeah. SSIA I would believe... I have one picture of me. That's it. If anybody has possibly taken any pictures of me, I'd be grateful. Oh, I just want them to put on MySpace, I'm not a freak who en...
Posted by Marshall on Wed, 10 May 2006 04:55:00 PST