2. I am a self proclaimed redneck.
3. I fancy the thought of watching sports of any kind. It is my pasttime. Including and not limited to: Football, Basketball, Baseball, Wrestling, NCAA tourneys, Olympics, Worlds Strongest Man, UFC, RFC, IFL, WWE, ECW, TNA.
4. I am an advocate for the fair and ethical treatment of bully breed dogs. I am a mother of two red haired pitbulls, Hank and Killian. I will fight for them, they are my life.
5. I am a passionate heavy metal listener, lover and supporter.
6. I like to drink Southern Comfort and bullshit about useless conversations I wont remember the next day.
7. I am a recovering Metallica fan. I am still finding it hard to come to terms with the fact that they suck now a days. There was once a time when me and my first love would obsess over Metallica and how great they were, god have times changed!
8. I collect tattoos. Dont ask me how many I have, I dont know. A lot. I have a lot. and I am still collecting.
9. I am in love with hair. short hair. long hair. frizzy hair. thin hair. thick hair. ALL KINDS OF HAIR! and that is what I do.
10. I have been diagnosed with creepaphobia..which means I dont want your messages about my tits, and what you will do to them. barf. please, keep it to yourself.
11. I am allergic to idiots. Please, exude common sense, with a little bit of assumed knowledge, and we will probably get along.
12. I own and run Extreme Metal Magazine... www.ExtremeMetalMag.com check it out
13. I run Dimebag's memorial page, www.DimebagEternal.com, please, send me your pictures, stories, etc..lets celebrate Dimes life together!
14. There is way too much more about me than I can type. So chances are that if you know me, you already know the kind of person I am. If you dont know me, now is a good time to start.
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