Theater, film, photography, cooking, the arts in general, politics, religion, the human mind (why do you people make the choices they do?), getting into the prefect amount of trouble, happy hour followed immediately by cocktail hour, dance parties in my living room, the friends who i will still be dancing in my living room with when we are 80, dressing up for whatever reason i want, staying in pj's all day just because i can, reading, spending lazy afternoons window shopping and being girly, learning new things, really good mexican hot chocolate, red wine, playing chess with worthy opponents, or really any game for that matter, listening to a gifted friend play the piano, teaching myself to play the piano, irish car bombs, seriously getting caught up in the energy at a really good concert, and hugs. oh yeah, and being right...
people who understand me, and who understand themselves. at least enough to understand they are still learning about themselves, and i am still learning about me. people who love me because of my flaws, not despite them. people who are constantly seeking knowledge, and most importantly people who dont bring drama to my life unless it is that good las vegas sort of drama.... then... bring all you want... as my friend matt says..."no drama. no crunk-a-funk. thank you mary j. blige..." no... thank you matt...
anything that makes me feel alive.
as long as it makes me either cry, laugh, hide under the covers, think, cringe, bite my nails, i will watch it. 2 movies i will never under any circumstances ever watch: snakes on a plane and killer clowns from outer space. i would rather die.
damn the writer's strike... give them what they want already...
She's Come Undone, The Rapture of Cannan, The PoisonWood Bible, Memoirs of a Geisha, The Life of Pi, Wurthering Heights, all Tenessee Williams, Shakespeare, and Jane Austen, White Oleander, Wicked, The Thorn Birds, The Devil in the White City, Little Children, Lamb: The Gospel According to Bif, Christ's Childhood Pal. please reccomend something. i always love new books...
anyone who lives each day with the passion and compassion needed to change people's lives is a hero in my book. people who are honest with themselves and those around them, despite how hard it may be. also the boys i nanny for. they are beautiful. and everyone could learn a thing or two about life from them.