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I am here for Friends

About Me

Well if you know me, then you know that there's hardly enough room here to explain what an odd ball I am. I try to have fun and enjoy life to the fullest. I have an incredible wife of nearly 10 years and we've been together for 14 years. I love her to death and she's really is my everything. I also have a son that is probably one of the coolest kids on the face of the we've got a daughter on the way that is due in late November. I'm a retired breakbeat dj - started in the mid 1990's - worked with a few record labels including Xquizit Records & DJ X, plus a label called Party Wax that Shakka and I launched together. Now I'm a sales pimp for - life is good and just keeps getting better. I try to enjoy every day of should you!

My Interests

Music, computers, scuba diving, crusing and traveling in general

I'd like to meet:

I'd really like to meet Dave Gahan & Martin Gore of Depeche Mode...John & John of They Might Be Giants...fierce drag queens are pretty cool too!View All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment


I love all kinds of music, but two words sum it all up..... DEPECHE MODE!!!


Favorite Movie? Human Traffic, Human Traffic, HUMAN TRAFFIC!!! If you haven't seen it....then you need to. Talk about taking a snap shot of my life as a young kid. I was Jip.


Irvine Welsh is probably my all time favorite author.

My Blog

My wife pretty much rocks...

So...this was supossed to be a low key Christmas for us.  The adoption of our boy is nearing completing, we bought each other a really nice HDTV and sound system and that was to be Christmas.&nbs...
Posted by Superfly on Tue, 26 Dec 2006 05:59:00 PST

Montego Bay....just 2 days away!

Here I sit at nearly 7am and facing two more days till we leave for Jamaica.  Must focus....Must make it through two more long days at the office.  The Glorious Mrs. Fly is taking me to Sand...
Posted by Superfly on Wed, 23 Aug 2006 03:55:00 PST

My thoughts on getting older...

You know what doesn't suck about getting older?  Every year I do cooler and cooler stuff...go on better vacations....and just enjoy life more.  So this Friday I turn 33.  How old so I f...
Posted by Superfly on Tue, 22 Aug 2006 03:33:00 PST

Videos - Fun Fun Fun

I've been uploading some videos to my page.  Take a look at my videos and ENJOY!  I've got some more to put up keep watching for more :)
Posted by Superfly on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 04:19:00 PST

My god...Has it really been that long since I posted?

Man of manwhere on earth do I start?  Its been so long since Ive blogged and geez it seems like everything that could possibly change has   Okso Im not working  in Tampa anymore at Cox ...
Posted by Superfly on Tue, 20 Jun 2006 09:12:00 PST

Tomorrow...tomorrow....we're leavng tomorrow!

WOW!  Here I am at work and can't think about a single thing other than my trip.  I've got so very much to do and not enough time to do it (and I'm not even talking about work!)  But ho...
Posted by Superfly on Fri, 24 Mar 2006 06:53:00 PST

Annie - Tony - Vino - 2 Days

Wow.  What a fun night.  It's a shame we couldn't hang out for longer, but it was so nice to see Annie & Tony last night!  Annie is down from Chicago and as most of you know, she's ...
Posted by Superfly on Thu, 23 Mar 2006 12:19:00 PST

Now it's the FINAL COUNTDOWN!!

Alrighty we are hump day the week of the big trip.  The crazy thing is that it's not even hit me that we're leaving yet.  I have NOTHING packed or even remotely close.  I ...
Posted by Superfly on Wed, 22 Mar 2006 09:32:00 PST

Just 8 days to go now!

Well now we are really down to the wire&I don't say the final countdown because that would be less than one week to go.  But eight (8) days to go and I'm starting to lose focus of everything at w...
Posted by Superfly on Fri, 17 Mar 2006 10:57:00 PST

Vacation on the Brain...

Well&here we are.  Just shy of two weeks away from Depeche Mode and our European vacation!  It's finally starting to set in that we are actually going.  With the new job and stuff, it's...
Posted by Superfly on Fri, 10 Mar 2006 08:02:00 PST