creative minds. strawburrrry milk shakes. watching sign language interpreters. Red stripe and Modelo beer. soup and grilled cheese sandwiches. piggy back rides. ex-boyfriends clothing. hugs from people who smell really good. talent. gernerosity. back rubs and scratches. and french fries. a well lit room with lots of people around...just in case it gets try to eat me because of the "bun in the oven" analogy in the before-mentioned "about me" section
Marc Broussard, India Arie, Aretha Franklin, Simon and Garfunkel, Jason Mraz,
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. GOONIES. Once. Love Love Love foreign films and documentaries.
bleep bleep bloop bloop
anything by david sedaris
This is a clip of my dearest friend Brandi, giving the people what they want .... pure amazingness.
Girl Falls- watch the girl on the right