The Caucasian Rights Foundation Inc. a non-profit organization that is designed to fill the gap in the equal rights movement, whereas, there are multiple ethnic groups with their own rights organizations that ensure that the members of that ethnic group are treated fairly and equally but there were none that represented Caucasians. The Caucasian population is, in fact, a conglomeration of many different ethnic groups that happen to be of light colored skin. The Caucasian Rights Foundation Inc. represents all of them. Caucasians are discriminated against more and more every day on the basis of their color and the ignorant decisions of an extremely small number of American colonists. There were many Caucasian ethnic groups that had nothing to do with this unfortunate event and some that were discriminated against by these very people. Caucasian Rights Foundation Inc. Web Site!!
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That man who keeps his sanity when all about him are losing theirs. That person who tells you what you need to hear, not just what you want to hear. My father. Caucasian Rights Foundation Inc. Web Site!!AND THE MEN AND WOMEN IN MILITARY SERVICE.