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Justin McRoberts

"There has never been anything false about hope"

About Me

Bullhorn Theory: From "Deconstruction"
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Justin McRoberts is a highly respected singer, songwriter and speaker who, over the past nine years, has carved out a niche for himself in the independent music scene. He is one of those rare artists who blends artistry, honesty and humor almost seamlessly.

In much the same way that Anne Lamott has written “music lets us meet in places we couldn’t get to any other way,” Justin McRoberts believes songwriting is a way to help people to see their world differently. McRoberts says, ”In and through art, we can learn to understand ourselves and our world more completely; less fragmented or uninspired, but rather a cohesive Divinely-orchestrated story.”

Sharing his songs and stories with an audience is where Justin’s gifts are most fully realized. His live shows strike a delicate balance between intellect and emotion, which allows the 34 year old to approach difficult or controversial subject matter with his listeners. While his audiences can be quite diverse, from playing for congregates in a small rural church, to young professionals in DC, most of Justin’s schedule is made up of appearances on college campuses in the continental US.

McRoberts’ most recent release, Deconstruction (2008), is laden with the same disarming honesty he is known for both in his recordings as well as his live performances. The album is shaped by the classic “call from the desert” overtone that seems to pervade his story. Without becoming heady or overbearing, Deconstruction is a prescription for a healthy re-examination of established religious, consumer and scientific worldviews. The instrumentation on the record is as carefully chosen as Justin’s lyrics. “We really wanted to limit the instrumentation to what was essential; let the songs breathe on their own.” The record’s feel supports its theme in limiting or even tearing down what is superfluous in order to more intimately engage in what is real.

The themes of hope, justice and compassion also run through Deconstruction much as they run through McRoberts’ career in general. Justin writes “I believe these are the defining characteristics of our likeness to God. The need and desire to care for the poor and oppressed is something we share in common with all humanity, not simply the religious.”

Central to Justin’s work is advocacy on behalf of the poor and oppressed, predominately through Compassion International, the International Justice Mission and the Blood Water Mission. “Not only do the poor need us,” he writes “we need a the poor to remind us what being human is about. In the same way that the poor learn to identify themselves with their lack, the wealthy likewise learn to identify themselves with their wealth. It is in the meeting of the two that we can recognize ourselves and one another as human.”

My Interests


Member Since: 6/15/2005
Band Website: justinmcroberts.com
Band Members: Justin and, well...that’s pretty much it.

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Influences: Glen Phillips/Toad The Wet Sprocket, Ryan Adams/Whiskeytown, Tom Petty, Wilco, U2, Over The Rhine and, of course, all the American Idol winners.

Type of Label: None

My Blog

about "Driving By The Accident" from DECONSTRUCTION

Everyone rubbernecks. Everyone. Rubbernecking is one of the great common denominators of all humanity; that and a distain for the New York Yankees. The question I have been asking more recently is ...
Posted by Justin McRoberts on Thu, 15 May 2008 11:13:00 PST

The SOLD Project

The SOLD Project - Web Promo 1 from The SOLD Project on Vimeo.A good friend of mine has been working on this project. For the many of us who have been moved to advocate for the victim...
Posted by Justin McRoberts on Mon, 05 May 2008 08:39:00 PST

About the song "Deconstruction" from DECONSTRUCTION

I was recently told a fascinating story about a conversation between the Pope and Michelangelo. This is not that conversation: The actual conversation I am referencing was one in which the ...
Posted by Justin McRoberts on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 11:06:00 PST

About "When It Don’t Come Easy" from DECONSTRUCTION

I’ve made it something of a pattern over the last few releases that one of the songs is a cover. I generally find a song currently in rotation on my iPod that jives with the central theme or th...
Posted by Justin McRoberts on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 12:55:00 PST

About "Done Living" from DECONSTRUCTION

My grandmother was an extraordinary woman in many ways. Her memorial service is one of the more memorable times of my life. The stories told about her life that evening were of the nature that makes...
Posted by Justin McRoberts on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 03:20:00 PST

Dean Kamen’s Water Purifier

Now that’s just cool....
Posted by Justin McRoberts on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 01:16:00 PST

About The New Record, DECONSTRUCTION

I’ve always sought to provide music that gives voice to those of us who live on the outside or on the fringes. In fact I think DECONSTRUCTION is the most coherent effort in that direction of my...
Posted by Justin McRoberts on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 12:01:00 PST

Life Issues

I am pro life. Meaning that I believe in the intrinsic value of life. This includes the life of 'the unborn.' At the same time, working to overturn Roe v Wade is not how this value is manifest, pol...
Posted by Justin McRoberts on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 04:39:00 PST

Why Obama?

-Because he is the one candidate who has a clear vision for the role of religion in public life; one that is focused on service and sacrifice rather than divisiveness and domination.-Because he entere...
Posted by Justin McRoberts on Sat, 02 Feb 2008 02:03:00 PST

Hacked and Whatnot

So, the page was hacked again and the hack seems to have affected the blog posts and responses. If MySpace doesn't recover your responses, I sincerely apologize.
Posted by Justin McRoberts on Fri, 27 Jul 2007 11:16:00 PST