XiAoYaNzI profile picture


I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships and Friends

About Me

I Am MySeLf...i LoVe BeIng For wHO I aM... i love my frens... they are the pple wHoM I treasured tHe MosT… I aM a PerSon wHo pUts fRIenDsHip first ThEn aNi OtheR tHinGs… tHougH I maY nOt bE a VeRi gOod gAl fRen… bUt I cAn bE a VeRi gOoDiE fReN… I HaTe PplE wHo backstab Me… I BeLieVe TaT eVeryOnE hate bAcKstabbeRs tOo… I believe tAt iTs EaSy iS tO gEt a PlAcE Is SoMeOnE's AdDrEsS bOoK, BuT DiFfIcUlT iS To gEt A pLaCe iN sOmEoNe'S hEaRt…iTs EaSy tO jUdGe tHe MiStAkEs oF oThErS BuT DiFfIcUlT tO rEcOgNiZe oUr OwN miStaKeS… ItS EaSy tO tAlK wItHoUt tHiNkInG BuT DiFfIcUlT To rEfRaIn tHe ToNgUe… iTs Easy to hurt someone who loves us, buT Difficult to heal the wound… ItS eAsY tO foRgiVe othErs BuT dIfFiCuL to aSk foR forGiVenEsS...ItS Easy to set rules, bUt diFfiCulT to follow them... Its Easy to dream every night buT Difficult to fight for a dream... iTs Easy to show victory BuT DifficulT to assume defeat with dignity... ItS Easy to admire a full moon bUt Difficult to see the other side... iTs Easy to stumble with a stone, but Difficult to get up... ItS Easy to enjoy life every day but Difficult to give its real value... Its Easy to promise something to someone bUt Difficult to fulfill that promise... ItS Easy to say we love bUt Difficult to show it every day... iTs Easy to criticize others bUt Difficult to improve oneself... iTs Easy to make mistakes but Difficult to learn from them...its Easy to weep for a lost love but Difficult to take care of it so not to lose it… itS Easy to think about improving bUt Difficult to stop thinking it and put it into action... Its EasY to think bad of others BUT DifFiculT to giVe TheM the bEneFit oF the dOuBt... itS Easy tO rEcEiVe buT DiffiCulT tO giVe… itS EaSy tO kEeP tHe frIeNdsHiP wiTh WoRdS bUt diFfIcUlT iS To kEeP iT wItH mEaNiNgS…

My Interests

lOvE cHaTtInG oN tHe PhOnE, sMs,LiStEnInG tO mUsIc,SlEePiNg,EtC.....

I'd like to meet:

I wIsH i can Meet My cute darling everyday... also a guy who will love darling as much as me... That guy who will love me and darling i think has already appear but cannot confirm so i think u should know who u are... :PSo many ups and downs , i think the person i been waiting has disappear forever in my heart le.... Anyway, its ok, with or without guy is still the same to me as guys will only upset and hurt me more...Hope to meet a guy who will truthful and faithful to me.... Where is that guy? Maybe have blown away by a gust of wind.. *wink* Hey if u think u are the one i m finding, pls come and find me... :(


ChInEsE sOnGs, ReTrO, JaPaNeSe SoNgS,kOrEaN sOnGs AnD sOnGs WhIcH gOt AlOt Of MeAnInG.......


aLl I lIkE... (hEhE)


AlL tYpEs Of Tv-SeRiEs.... EsPeCiAlLy, HoNg KoNg & KoReAn ShOwS....


aBoUt LoVe StOrIeS.....


My PaReNtS.....