lOvE cHaTtInG oN tHe PhOnE, sMs,LiStEnInG tO mUsIc,SlEePiNg,EtC.....
I wIsH i can Meet My cute darling everyday... also a guy who will love darling as much as me... That guy who will love me and darling i think has already appear but cannot confirm so i think u should know who u are... :PSo many ups and downs , i think the person i been waiting has disappear forever in my heart le.... Anyway, its ok, with or without guy is still the same to me as guys will only upset and hurt me more...Hope to meet a guy who will truthful and faithful to me.... Where is that guy? Maybe have blown away by a gust of wind.. *wink* Hey if u think u are the one i m finding, pls come and find me... :(
ChInEsE sOnGs, ReTrO, JaPaNeSe SoNgS,kOrEaN sOnGs AnD sOnGs WhIcH gOt AlOt Of MeAnInG.......
aLl I lIkE... (hEhE)
AlL tYpEs Of Tv-SeRiEs.... EsPeCiAlLy, HoNg KoNg & KoReAn ShOwS....
aBoUt LoVe StOrIeS.....
My PaReNtS.....