I would love to meet Jimmy Page,Steve Harris,Nicko Mcbrain,Steven Spielberg,Tim Burton,Stan Winston and Rick Baker.Richard Petty,and of course John Bonzo Bonham! my hero and inspiration still wish he was still with us!
Jimmy Page & Robert Plant - Most High
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Led Zeppelin,Iron Maiden,Megadeth,Coven,Ozzy,Black Sabbath,Rob Zombie,System of a down,Korn,Marilyn Manson,Van Halen not Van Hagar! Mars Volta and Metallica before the black album!!Slayer,AC/DC,Deep Purple,Jimmy Hendrix,Metal Church, soundgarden,Primus,God Smack,judest priest,White Zombie,tool,Henry Rollins,Danzig,and no pop Metal! or country!! any thing metal loud and hard!!
Jaws,Close Encounters,Terminator one and two, the original King Kong,War of the worlds,Jurassic park,Ed Wood,Halloween,Pumpkin head,Vanishing point,Schindler's List,Saving private Ryan,Pulp fiction and many more. Iron Maiden - The Longest Day
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I don't watch much regular tv, I like the History channel,Discovery,speed channel,Comedy central love the Daily show,Adult swim,and G4 game channel
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