AlyCat *Worried* profile picture

AlyCat *Worried*

Ya gotta live life to the fullest...No matter what it may bring you....Don't let anything or anyone

About Me

Hey! Hey! Hey!Well my name is Alyson....Or Aly for short...I LOVE animals!!!!I'm hyper and crazy...Most of the time...I've got MSN, Yahoo, and AIM...(Just don't have AIM downloaded yet on my comp....But I can get on there on my phone!!!)MSN: and xspike_vampirex@hotmail.comYahoo: spike_vampire2324.. Alyson2324My girl Tammy has em too!Tam's MSN: and cool_dude206@hotmail.comTam's Yahoo: xx_slayer206_xxTam's .. (I forgot what her AIM thing is...)So, go ahead and add us if you have any of the messengers...We both love meetin new friends!!!!

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My Interests

Watching anything with Benicio Del Toro or Johnny Depp in it, acting when I can, singing when I can, eating and sleeping of course, being on the computer, watching some TV, staying up really late and then sleeping in for as long as I can, and etc...

I'd like to meet:

Benicio Del Toro, Johnny Depp, John Stamos, Coyote Shivers, and many MANY more!!!! As well as people that I can get to know and be friends with!

pimp myspace


Motley Crue, Brides of Destruction, Billy Idol, Coyote Shivers, Goo Goo Dolls, Green Day, Keith Urban, Rascal Flatts, Steve Azar, PinMonkey, NSYNC, some Backstreet Boys, and many more...


The Way of the Gun, The Hunted, Basquiat, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Traffic, Snatch, (Anything with Benicio Del Toro) Pirates of the Caribbean (All three of them), Sahara, What's Eating Gilbert Grape, Cry-Baby, Secret Window, Once Upon A Time in Mexico, Platoon, (Also anything with Johnny Depp in it) And MANY more!


The Dresden Files, Full House, Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, (I think I spelled the first part right) And many more!


Any of the Blood Bond books with Matt Bodine and Sam Two Wolves.... And Buffy books with Spike in them.... And also, if there's any books on the show The Dresden Files, I wanna read em to see if they're just as good and awesome as the show!!!!! (And some Iris Johansen books!!)


Tammy, Benicio Del Toro, Johnny Depp, my friends and family, and etc!