+= The ONE Project. (www.onefestival.org) Art. Music. Body art/modification. Dirt. Bare feet. The ocean. People. Bikrams. New information. Yerba Mate. Travel ( i work to see the world). Taking pictures. Traditional Cultures. Nature. The City. Passion. Intelegent conversation. Intention. Freaks. Ritual. Ritualizing. Piercing. The Jungle. NPR. Ideas. Creating. Creating. Creating. My Tribe. My house. My job. Bikes. Sk8. Dancing. Writing. Thinking. Meditation. The ONE Tribe. Life. Conceptualizing. Inspiring. Momentum. Computer arts. Free thinkers. Making art with sharp objects. Books. Diet/health. My Friends. Nature. Me Kitty=Miette. Chalanging the parameters or reality. Mascara. Coffee. Writing. Teaching. Learning. Asia. Thinking. Thinkers. Learning. Laughing. Pirates. Red things. Performers. Revolutionarys. Loud Music. Love.-= haters.
Headphones saved my life.
Documentarys. Indy Media. Im making one now. www.onefestival.org
Hail satan!
I love these.
Anyone who dares to speak their truth and then acts upon it.