A few of my favorite things: BOOKS, daisies, WINE, Reiki, bodies of water, late night cereal, proper spelling! , the word 'salamander', WHISKEY, my mom, Mustangs, shoes, Anthony Green, RANDOMNESS!, Wikipedia!, vintage crap, MC Escher, and I'm a HUGE fan of rain, cynicism,CHEESE, black coffee and cigarettes
uhh whoever. OH wait... no zombies, please.
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"Both we and our words are overproduced by influence"CS
I guess this is where I'm supposed to list the 3890578250 bands i listen to... Big fan of- CIRCA SURVIVE, Wolf Parade,Kings of Leon, NEUTRAL MILK HOTEL, Get Up Kids, HE IS LEGEND, T.S.O.A.F., We Are The Fury, Band of Horses, Rancid, Mock Orange, Rise Against, Chiodos, The DISTILLERS, At the Drive In, Every Time I Die, Refused, Minus the Bear, The Dresden Dolls, Head Automatica, Saul Williams, Fall of Troy, The Warriors, CURSIVE, Built to Spill, SAVES THE DAY, Coheed and Cambria, SAOSIN(w/ Anthony. duh.), My Chemical Romance, ATREYU, The MARS VOLTA, Bright Eyes, The Bled, INTERPOL, Strike Anywhere, THE PINK SPIDERS, SPR4, Modest Mouse, Coldplay, and classic rock/80's- DAVID BOWIE, THE SMITHS, Led Zeppelin, Steve Miller Bnd, The POLICE,THE CURE!, The CLASH,QUEEN, old school Madonna AAhhhh can't do this anymore
I tend to watch mostly foreign and indie films and classics. City of God and The Life Aquatic were pretty fabulous. Can't go wrong with Cary Grant or Hitchcock.
LOST!!!, Six Feet Under, The Office, Curb Your Enthusiasm!, Cops. Days of Our Lives rocks my world.
Books= Love of Amanda's Life. The Alchemist. Khalil Gibran's The Prophet. Anything by John Steinbeck or Mary Stewart
MOMMY Oh yeah, and these guys: ************************* *********************