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Darth Skiba


About Me

Look alive, gentlemen, or fake your deaths, your wounds undressed beneath your costumes. Some are so well rehearsed- for hearses it hurts, always the first to wave the white flag and barricade themselves in false pretenses, fox holed in trenches. Forged casualties with casual pleas, dying to please the enemy; we die to stay alive, we kill to survive. We are the corps of corpses, we are up in arms and armed- bring all the King's horses and all the King's men. Push on, plod on, these legs like pistons pumping forward motion. Convalescent men in uniform. We have fallen to friendly fire, shrapnel freckles our spine, still our feet fall one by one. We were led to lead lovers while marching to the beat, to the beat. We were led to lead lovers, we kissed so well, we kissed so well. The cannon's calling our name, I hear her singing to me in morse code, "This is our revolution! To arms! To arms! This is a revolution!" We are the corps of corpses, we are up in arms and armed. Underoath 'In Regards To Myself' The Receiving End Of Sirens 'Planning A Prison Break' Blood Roses 'Eclipse The Sun' Alexisonfire 'This Could Be Anywhere In The World' Underoath 'Reinventing Your Exit' 65daysofstatic 'Drove Through Ghosts To Get Here' This Is Menace 'Deadman' Hondo Maclean 'Blinding Lightshows and Bad Clothes Dresscodes'

My Interests

Soft porn, computer games, women, blah blah blah you've read it in a thousand other accounts.

I'd like to meet:

Matt Skiba and Dan Adriano again... so I can engage Pathetic Hero Worship mode properly. And scene girls, for purposes of which we can only guess at.


Alkaline Trio, 65daysofstatic, Hondo Maclean, Underoath, Telefon Tel Aviv, Explosions In The Sky, Mylo, This Is Menace, The Receiving End Of Sirens, Blood Roses, Alexisonfire...


Serenity, Gladiator, LOTR:FOTR, Phone Booth, Batman Begins, V For Vendetta. Six will do, surely, it's not like my movie tastes reveal anything thrilling...


24. Black Books. Black Adder. Stargate SG-1. Lost. The West Wing. Scrubs.


LOTR; His Dark Materials; Dan Abnett's stuff; a bit of David Gemmel (RIP) when I'm don't want challenging; Christopher Paolini (but then he's only done Eragon and Eldest...); some Raymond E. Feist (preferably old-school, his newer stuff isn't as good)...


Matt Skiba, Bernard Black, Optimus Prime, Kiefer Sutherland.

My Blog

In Homage To 'TV Go Home'

6.00pm  BBC NewsPeter Sissons miserably relates tales of war, famine and murder, set to a background of incessant drum and bass music. 6.30pm Regional NewsPeople you don't remember being on last ...
Posted by Darth Skiba on Mon, 30 Jan 2006 04:56:00 PST

People are really, really stupid.

And guess what! They're on the net. If you know me well enough, you know I don't much care for this myspace business... but I feel strongly enough about this rubbish I'm being sent to BLOG about it, w...
Posted by Darth Skiba on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

What have I done?

I have created a MySpace account... THERE PRV, ARE YOU HAPPY NOW?!?!?!?! I will probably never visit or update it so make the most of this single blog entry.
Posted by Darth Skiba on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST