The Personality Defect Test :
(You are 42% Rational, 100% Extroverted, 17% Brutal, and 17% Arrogant.)
You are the Hippie! Characterized by a strong sense of extroversion, irrationality, gentleness, humility, and a faint scent of marijuana, you no doubt frolic through fields preaching peace and free love! You are probably either very spiritual or needlessly paranoid about "the man", like most hippies, as a result of your focus on intuition and feelings over cold, brutal logic. You probably enjoy poetry, especially beatnik ultra-liberal crap about how horrible fascism is. You are also very, very social. And like any hippie who would have no qualms about hitchiking across the country just to meet some interesting people, you also love to interact with others, even complete strangers. Because we know most any hippie is peace-loving and humble, it stands to reason that you, as well, are terribly gentle and humble, almost to the point of revulsion. Your carefree attitude of peace and harmony is probably very, very sickening to realists or cynics or anyone who isn't a hippie, to tell the truth. In short, your personality is defective because you are overly emotional, extroverted, gentle, and humble--thus making you a hippie. To put it less negatively: 1. You are more INTUITIVE than rational. 2. You are more EXTROVERTED than introverted. 3. You are more GENTLE than brutal. 4. You are more HUMBLE than arrogant. Compatibility: Your exact opposite is the Sociopath. * *
In general I choose to learn to grow as a person by learning through my experiences in life and in relationships. I believe that God has given us the freedom of choice. It is only through God that we can choose who we are. I choose to accept everything and everyone as being exactly the way it is supposed to be at this moment. "Nothing, absolutely nothing happens in God's world by mistake." I believe that it isn't what happens to us in life that is important but rather how we deal with what happens. "Unless I accept life completely on life's terms, I cannot be happy. I choose to concentrate not so much on what needs to be changed in the world on what needs to be changed in me and in my attitudes." It is inevitable that life will throw some tough times at us. I don't know where I would be today without choosing to accept and appreciate God's will in my life.
I have something in common with everyone though and that is I was born a sinner! But you know what reassures me there is hope? My strong faith in God's loving grace. By no means do I use this to justify sin. But I also believe that we have no right to judge others. We have no idea why people are the way they are and do what they do 'til we've walked a mile in their shoes! So in other words... Stop hating and start looking within' yourselves for a change once in a while!
I don't claim to be part of any religion, sect, or denomination. The church i go is a non denomination of people who uplift each other through the word of God , worship , and fellowship . But I also believe that one doesn't have to go to church to have a relationship with God. I am always open to hear EVERYONE'S views or beliefs. I trust God to reveal to me what he wants me to see in every perspective . I have my own personal relationship with God and I DON'T TRUST in any person or thing besides God to show me what he wants me to be.
YES IT IS TRUE ! I just decided to go vegan in January. At first I did it for the animals but the more I learn about it the more I am finding out that it is not only humbling myself for them but it's actually healthier and better for the environment. It's MY OWN PERSONAL CHOICE and I'm not gonna go around judgin' or hating folks... If you don't care what an animal goes throw to end up on your plate or your back... then thats YOUR PERSONAL CHOICE.