CADENCE Film Listing on
Main Entry: ca·dence
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old Italian cadenza, from cadere to fall, from Latin
1 a : a rhythmic sequence or flow of sounds in language
b : the beat, time, or measure of rhythmical motion or activity
2 a : a falling inflection of the voice
b : a concluding and usually falling strain; specifically : a musical chord sequence moving to a harmonic close or point of rest and giving the sense of harmonic completion
3 : the modulated and rhythmic recurrence of a sound especially in nature
Cadences give phrases a distinctive ending, that can, for example, indicate to the listener whether the piece is to be continued or concluded.
Everything in nature has its own rhythm; its cadence. Language, the flow of syllables from between parted lips, the subtle movement of a hand, a stolen glance; all combine to form the harmony of the world around us, and ultimately between each other.
What if a devaluation of this flow occurred with human beings placing an emphasis on things suddenly deemed more important than actual contact between each other? Separated by the combined dissonance of technological advances, is it possible to break through and find our shared feelings for one other again?
ANDREA remembers what it’s like to have felt love, while everyone else has been trained to forget. Part of a loose-knit group which includes the more cynical NADINE, Andrea now finds herself forced to help young women in their search for feelings they barely knew existed.
The values of the world have changed yet again, and the new hope is this training of certain beliefs and actions will now lead to the reemergence of feelings long forgotten.
Yet for Andrea, the process has grown rote; repetitive. Trapped in a never-ending cycle of awakening the memories of others, she seems doomed to lose the fragile delight of her own. She longs to escape and see for herself if her work is really making a difference in others' lives.
How will Andrea's group, especially its enigmatic leader, STEVEN, respond to her growing disillusionment, which threatens to shatter the well-timed pace of this carefully orchestrated emotional revolution?
CADENCE is currently in film festival consideration for 2008.
Sonja Ribicki as ANDREA
Mary Gibbs as LEANN
Yanni Kuznia as NADINE
Dave Durham as STEVEN
Eric Paul Porzadek as JOHN
Stacey Arnold as REKA
Vincent Rasnick as DAVID
Directed by Mike Madigan
Executive Producer Matthew Peach
Director of Photography Chuck Frank
Written by Mike Madigan
Assistant Director Chris Lepley
Key Hair and Makeup Karri Farris
Edited by Mike Madigan & Chris Lepley
Boom Operators Mike Petersen & Jeannine Simpson
Production Assistant Amanda Cook
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