i do not know if it is time, but i think that i can upgrade vodka drinking from a hobby to a pastime. i like to explore unknown territories, you know, the ones where...oh wait the reson that they are unknow is because stupid pepole like you do not know anything about them. haha. newb. sports huzaaa.
I would like to meet: women. and the guy who invented the toaster.give me a freaken peace of toast. toast. what a funny item. it is the greatest thing since sliced bread. oh yes indeed. i dont go anywhere with out toast........STEWIE FOR GOVERNER!!!
i am sorry what? i could not hear you i was listening to my large repetoir of music which includes many songs from many different sources. my taste in music is rather eclectic what can i say.Actually, there are many things i can say because i speak a language. scholars are not exactly sure what language i speak, but they do agree that it is a language. they believe that it is a form of advanced cave manish combined with traces of gobble-dee-guc.
how dare you ask me about those! impudent cur! if you tell anyone i will rip out your heart and eat it in front of you. i am very ashamed of those videos. I was young and i needed the money. why are you opening old wounds? i am very sad inside.
I do not have one because I am spanish. Please do not make fun of me for I am very sensitive.
outside of a dog a book is a mans best friend, inside a dog it is too dark to read.
chuck norris. and antidisestablishmentarianism. yes it is a real word MR. I CAN READ. look it up. also Dr. Tran, the great and fantastic sparkly wiggles, and Christopher Walken, you bastards.
Your Homicidal Rampage! by crash_and_burn
Your name:
Weapon of Choice: A broomstick
Your Favorite Target: Televangelists
Your Kill Count: 1,122,686,003
Your Battle Cry: "Yo mama!"
Years You Spend in Jail: 18
How Much Money In Damages You Cause: $38,094,194,048,608
Your Homocidal Insanity Level:: 84%
Quiz created with MemeGen !