Expression through the written word, through art, and through making change. And let's start that change in Hawai‘i.
Makua Valley - one of the areas in the Islands used for training US military
This clip is from NOHO HEWA HAWAI‘I NEI, a documentary film in-the-making about, amongst other things, military expansion in the Hawai‘ian islands and the multi-layered ramifications of this on-going occupation. Oh, yes, it IS an occupation - the US military now control 20% of the ‘aina and are 11% of the island population. In contrast, the military constitute only 1% of the total US population.
For details (scary) from Keala Kelly's work, please visit http://www.nohohewa.com/
Highlighting the search for Pono or righteousness, and dedicated
to the kupuna of Molokai is the following (just shy of 9 mins).
From Matt at www.quazifilms.com.
Community activists on Molokai face additional challenges with the recent 2008 pull-out and forced closure of approximately one third of the island, currently owned by Singapore business interests.
Howard Zinn, Noam Chomsky, David Suzuki, Naomi Klein....Oh, and so many more wonderful minds! Fellow poets and artists. Mostly I'm here because my daughter bugged me enough about it. ;)
Everything except opera, rap and heavy duty country western. Hooverphonic is my favorite band; Henry Kapono a musician worthy of support.
From political thrillers & Ealing comedies to obscure documentaries,
some fave movies include: Best in Show, Cradle Will Rock, Canadian Bacon, Shaun of the Dead, Jackie Brown, Carla’s Song, A Day Without a Mexican, The Disappearance of Garcia Lorca, The Power of Community: How Cuba Survived Peak Oil. Any Costa-Gavras is worth watching, as is most Shakespeare on film. Do like Richard 111 (with Ian McKellen).
Below - video from the coup and attempted overthrow of Hugo Chavez.
The Revolution Will Not Be Televised (Irish 2002. 74 Mins.)
Don’t have one, but in the past enjoyed L F N, Firefly, Veronica Mars, Michael Moore’s Awful Truth. Catch The Daily Show & Colbert via internet. And, yes, of course I supported the writer's strike.
A book whore, so cannot narrow this down - after all, I think browsing a thesaurus as enjoyable as reading Will's sonnets or tarot cards or...
All the waitresses, housekeepers, and all the underpaid “servants†of the world; the people some of us take for granted.
While making art (or sometimes even just THINKING about making art), I 've been influenced, bemused, stimulated and amazed by: Philip Appleman, Jane Austen, Elizabeth Bishop, Brautigan, Chihuly, Paddy Chayefsky, Dali, Kiana Davenport, Jack Finney, Mary Frank, Frank Gehry, Philip Glass, Hundertwasser, Maya Lin, O'Keeffe, Prevert, Rodrigo, Bertrand Russell, Sartre, Sibelius, Tom Thomson, Vivaldi, Yevgeny Yevtushenko et cetera, et cetera. It's imbibing this kind of rich, heady mixture of composers, poets, philosophers, artists & architects that feeds the addiction, but keeps one alive - feeling wretchedly unworthy, yet striving, incrementally, to grow to be so much more.
Yes, even past fourty!