Vaginas taking sperm and spittn out babies
Nobody I have enough friends.
Kenny Rodgers and the first edition.
Any thing by Kevin Smith, Guy Ritchie, or Tarentino films, Napolean Dynamite, The Last dragon, Donnie Darko, Star Wars, all Steven King, Smokey and the Bandit, The Princess Bride, They live, Fire in the sky, We are Spinal Tap, Gwar:Live in Anartica, Rad, Gleaming the Cube, Seven, and way too many more to name. And anything with zomibes in it.Oh and the back to the futures' their fuck cool!
Cartoons, Chapple, and the Fresh Prince.
They Cage the animals at night, DiVinci Code, A Clockwork Orange, Super Fudge, The Bible(Preferably Genesis or Mathew), The Stand, Fear and Loathing on the campagin trail(Still reading it)
Me Myself and I, Sid Vicious (The Wrestler), GG Allin, Keith Moon, Mike Tyson