Blackout profile picture


Actor/ Singer/Blurpinkle Magi & Wizard Of Wonder

About Me

"FILM CONTEST?" is having some more runs. I got the DVD and will be throwing some clips up for my reel. - Michael Biggins -Here's a scene where I am playing the character Milton Butterfly giving my 'pitch' for a movie called "South Beach Supa Playas and Enemies of the Illuminati: Heroes by Day, Playas by Day"

Coming VERY VERY soon:

What a strange strange life....and death.. and... inbetween..and snack time...and...WELCOME... OH BRAVE TRAVELERS...
The story and origin of me, how I got the name Blackout, then how Blackout's Box came to be which was eventually followed by , a radio show, movies, sketchestv shows, and you name it... well.... it is a long one, and it could easily take up an entire book, movie, or TV mini-series, (and it one day shall) but I'll try to give you a shortened version here: I AM CREATIVITY AND I KNOW THAT I EXIST. I CREATE MY REALITY and I am all about helping others to do the same and collaborating with other creatives pure of heart and free of the chains of the normal.
That is the short hand and there is much more to it but if I had to pin it down to a few sentences that would be it. I am very spiritual and believe in the spirit and infinity. In being creativity and I knowing that I exist. I am an artist of all forms and a creator of new forms to be an artist of. I am an appreciator of all forms of art. I am me, I am my reflection, and I am the mirror, and I appreciate them all.Simply...or not so simply... I am an artist being and doing, and laughter is one of my great loves. Check out BLACKOUT.COM , that's all I can say. Once you delve into my Box, we will both never be quite the same will we?I am here on my space but I have to say this is not really my space this is their space with their ads and stuff and while I do very much appreciate it and the great benefits of meeting new people through this, my true space (on the internet that is) is at
I also have my band myspace account which is Blackout and the Rabble-Rousers
Check that out if you want to hear some of my music or find out when I'm doing a live band event.I run a COMEDY FILM RADIO PHILOSOPHY PRANKS ART MUSIC GENIUS SPIRIT FUN SILLY CULTURE COMMUNITY CRAZY INTERACTIVE website, and host and perform on a worldwide LIVE internet radio show every Thursday night from 9pm to 3am (e.s.t.) out of Florida. Come by... look around, tune in and call in on Thursday...I promise you won't be dissapointed. To truly understand Blackout's Box, you must be one who thinks outside of the box. How can we ever really see something that we can't get outside of?Click and come deeper into my zebra hole. I kicked out all of the rabbits but kept the hats and zebras:
THERE are many, many cool people on here and while I do take issue with how some of the system here works, I do like the connecting and networking abilities very much. I'm ALL about meeting people so MEET me! How are you? Have you finished fighting the zoo keepers yet? What do you think of extending forks? What would YOU do to someone who would do FAR too much for a Klondike bar!? Will males and females ever really figure eachother out? Meow? Bark? Scratch me please.
Shhhh.. calm down.
MY WORLD | My Theater (Now Playing) | Crazy Bulletin Boards of Hyper Intelligent Creatives | What's New | The Box Chat Room | Dreambook | Get on the mailing list! | Help!? | Buy Box Stuff
Thoth: God of Wisdom and Time. You are a thinker.
You consantly create and invent things.
Intelligence is your greatest virtue, but don't
become a know-it-all.
Which Egyptian God Are You? (pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
A yellow rose for a romatic adventurous day!
Look at me being all serious and dramatic... I feel kinda naked without my hat.
Ready for a bit a the ol' in & out me droogs?!?
My favorite pic of me as I contemplated the lens that took my picture and tried to imagine seeing YOU.
BLACKOUT.COM makes the cover of New Times! You rock Courtney Hambright!
They have the technology... they CAN rebuild me. I AM the million.. ok so it's a gatoraid commercial.
Blackout's BoxLIVE on STAGE - at Cinema Paradiso in Ft Lauderdale. Still in planning mode!
Me and Charmonga acting all intimidating from my command center, taking notes on the auditioning actors.
An actor auditions. That's Kevin on the camera, Marti on the boom, and Stacy (Mr SAHs) awesome gfx on the screen.

My Interests

It's just like the original old school Blackout's Voice Mail Box (VMB) but now on the web! Listen for voice updates from me and call in (it's free) and leave messages which I might play on Blackout's Box LIVE when it returns

You are the Fool card. The Fool fearlessly begins the journey into the unknown. To do this, he does not regard the world he knows as firm and fixed. He has a seemingly reckless disregard for obstacles. In the Ryder-Waite and Book of Thoth, he is seen stepping off a cliff with his gaze on the sky, and a rainbow is there to catch him. In order to explore and expand, one must disregard convention and conformity. Those in the throes of convention look at the unconventional, non-conformist personality and think "What a fool." They lack the point of view to understand The Fool's actions. But The Fool has roots in tradition as one who is closest to the spirit world. In many tribal cultures, those born with strange and unusual character traits were held in awe. Shamans were people who could see visions and go on journeys that we now label hallucinations and schizophrenia. Those with physical differences had experience and knowledge that the average person could not understand. The Fool is God. The number of the card is zero, which when drawn is a perfect circle. This circle represents both emptiness and infinity. The Fool is not shackled by mountains and valleys or by his physical body. He does not accept the appearance of cliff and air as being distinct or real.

Issue number 1 of the Blackout's Box comic book - the origin of my Hat and powers!

Acting/Writing/Singing/Directing/Film Making/Style/Zebra Training/Spirit/Egyptian Ancients/Teaching/Loving/Laughing/Sacred Knowledge/Expanding my abilities/Joking/Playing/Extreme Color/Being/Being Silly/Creating my reality as I wish it/Style/Roller Coaster Making and Riding/Sea Horse Hunting/Lollipop Licking/Being an Anti Mundane Destoyer of Mundane

Oh yeah, and Hats...I definitely love hats...

Who says hats and canes went out of style?

What Planet Are You From?

I'd like to meet:

Prince, Jack Nicholson, Christopher Walken, Douglas Adams (in another dimension), Jim Morrison (also another space-time), Gene Wilder, Dr Suess, everyone who had anything to do whatsoever with Monty Python and of course, of course...YOU. I am always looking to meet intelligent, creative, kind, artistic, awesomely unique individuals. We are co creators of the universe and I like others who know it, and SHOW it!


Prince, Blackout & the Rabble Rousers, Faith No More, Kravitz, Radiohead, Classical, Elvis Costello, Pink Floyd, Janes Addiction, Even in Blackouts, ELO, Beastie Boys, Nirvana, Scissor Sisters, Smashing Pumpkins, Hendrix, Jon Brion, Johhny Cash, Leanard Cohen, Chemical Brothers, Squirrel Nut Zippers, Dan Mclean, The Muppets, Tonic, Josh Rouse, NIN, Rob Zombie, Kenny Loggins, almost every candy cane like song from the 80s and every singer songwriter emotional masterpiece from the 70s and I am too tired right now to continue.


Movies. Oh no oh no too many to name. I love movies, I make movies, I AM A MOVIE in the making and this script is INTENSE! Beautful or fucked it seems.. come on baby where's the inbetween?First of all if you haven't seen these three fims, go and buy or rent them right now and watch them in this order... you may nor be ready for them now but some day you will be: Waking Life, I 'HEART' Huckabees, and What the BLEEP Do we Know!?Those three films are my modern day bibles. I wrote the ideas they present down myself before I ever saw them. They simply let me know that there are others like me, and that the greatest nation, your imagination, is REAL, and just as important as these nations we live in that war with eachother for the fun dramatic game of it all which unfortunately causes suffering from silly people pre-occupied with power through manipulation and not power through creation. (that's silly in the bad way and not the good way).Then.. way up there on my list is Somewhere In Time, The Meaning of Life, Monty Python and the Holy Grail of course I mean who could not put that up there... The Dark Crystal, Labyrinth.. anything by Jim Henson. You want to see genius? Go and find a TV movie he made in 1969 called the CUBE (not the crappy modern re-make) to see how ahead of his time he was.
Everythng is possible and nothing is as it seems!
But continuing on... lets see.. so many good movies. Neverending Story. Drop Dead Fred, The Blues Brothers, Brain Storm, The Doors, JFK, Natural Born Killers, Donnie Darko, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Heavy Metal, Fantasia and Especially Fantasia 2000 - with the beautiful green nyph/faerie of the forest scene... I cry. I break down at its beauty.
Oh and WHO could EVER forget this movie?!?!
Special sideways limited edition of the Princess Bride poster! "As you wish, my lady.
oh no I'm just stopping.... there's just too much.. I will add more later..


Why would anyone watch television? Don't you know it rots your brain? Ok ok.. Mr Show.... but that was on really late on HBO and it failed miserably and then got a cult following and blew up big s that means it's TRULY genius right? Trumpet the Complimentary Dino Pup but I'm biased on that because of the close relationship.


The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams is the best book series that has ever been written according to God, the Greater God, several mice, and an old lady at a super market that is not so super. 2nd is all Docter Suess books, then Edgar Cayce, The Akashic Recods, Three Magic Words, anything by Robert Anton Wilson, and EVERY spiritual/religious text ever written is the true and correct one. I could name 42 other great books but I've been fiddling with the colors and video on this page far too long for me to do something as ridiculous as THINK some more right at this moment. I'm surprised I managed to get this last sentence out let alone list all the books I love. I will get to it though I promise. I love WRITERS as well. Courtney Hambright of NEW TIMES rocks for doing a cover feature story on!

Thank you Courtney!


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My Blog

Destiny, origin, God, Energy, Infinity, ALL, oh yeah and the SIMS

------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------- The only logical answer I can come up with to explain the incredible machinery of the world is that it was indeed ratio...
Posted by Blackout on Mon, 06 Aug 2007 11:14:00 PST

Will the real Blacout's website please stand up?

Some confusion over the current batch of sites I working on/spill icecream on:D E S T I Y O R I G I N . C O MO R I G I N D E S T I N Y . C O MBeing worked on and updated and also, the new...
Posted by Blackout on Fri, 18 May 2007 08:27:00 PST


Posted by Blackout on Sat, 12 May 2007 10:59:00 PST

The neatest fun little web toy - Blackout's (voice mail) Box OLD school!

Ok...come on peeps, ya gotta try this, it's fun, just hit play to listen to some of the messages: Then you can leave your own message anonymously by calling 641-985-7878 then a...
Posted by Blackout on Thu, 03 May 2007 03:17:00 PST

My Disney Quest revamped review

My Disney Quest revamped review:Let me start out by say telling you I was unaware that my Disney annual pass got me into Disney Quest as well Pleasure Island, the water parks Typhoon Lagoon and Blizz...
Posted by Blackout on Sun, 29 Apr 2007 08:05:00 PST

Finally I'm in IMDB.COM (Internet Movie DataBase)

Woo Hoo Scooby Doo! Can I hear a whoop whoop!!? After the many films, tv, radio, stage, and every other sort of artsy fartsy sort of zebra training thing I have done, I have finally got entered in...
Posted by Blackout on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 02:08:00 PST

"FILM CONTEST ?" world premiere! BE THERE!

Hey everyone.  Several people e-mailed me saying they were trying to purchase their tickets for "FILM CONTEST ?" online at and were getting a message that it was sold out. ...
Posted by Blackout on Sat, 21 Apr 2007 01:51:00 PST

Kirtsten and God (warning - MATURE EYES ONLY!

originaly From: k r i s t i n Then smothered into a blueberry pulp of syrupy  silliness by Blackout Date: Jan 10 2007 12:33 PM Kirstin: Tthis may make you stop and think... very true and very...
Posted by Blackout on Wed, 10 Jan 2007 07:32:00 PST

New Blog

This is a new blog because Shannon said I hadn't posted one for a   Here it is.   The blog.   Happy thanksgiving. More to come. I'm on all day today so tunein you beotchesn...
Posted by Blackout on Thu, 23 Nov 2006 01:18:00 PST

The leading cause of death

Posted by Blackout on Wed, 28 Sep 2005 08:49:00 PST