Coming VERY VERY soon:
What a strange strange life....and death.. and... inbetween..and snack time...and...WELCOME... OH BRAVE TRAVELERS...
The story and origin of me, how I got the name Blackout, then how Blackout's Box came to be which was eventually followed by , a radio show, movies, sketchestv shows, and you name it... well.... it is a long one, and it could easily take up an entire book, movie, or TV mini-series, (and it one day shall) but I'll try to give you a shortened version here: I AM CREATIVITY AND I KNOW THAT I EXIST. I CREATE MY REALITY and I am all about helping others to do the same and collaborating with other creatives pure of heart and free of the chains of the normal.
That is the short hand and there is much more to it but if I had to pin it down to a few sentences that would be it. I am very spiritual and believe in the spirit and infinity. In being creativity and I knowing that I exist. I am an artist of all forms and a creator of new forms to be an artist of. I am an appreciator of all forms of art. I am me, I am my reflection, and I am the mirror, and I appreciate them all.Simply...or not so simply... I am an artist being and doing, and laughter is one of my great loves. Check out BLACKOUT.COM , that's all I can say. Once you delve into my Box, we will both never be quite the same will we?I am here on my space but I have to say this is not really my space this is their space with their ads and stuff and while I do very much appreciate it and the great benefits of meeting new people through this, my true space (on the internet that is) is at
I also have my band myspace account which is Blackout and the Rabble-Rousers
Check that out if you want to hear some of my music or find out when I'm doing a live band event.I run a COMEDY FILM RADIO PHILOSOPHY PRANKS ART MUSIC GENIUS SPIRIT FUN SILLY CULTURE COMMUNITY CRAZY INTERACTIVE website, and host and perform on a worldwide LIVE internet radio show every Thursday night from 9pm to 3am (e.s.t.) out of Florida. Come by... look around, tune in and call in on Thursday...I promise you won't be dissapointed. To truly understand Blackout's Box, you must be one who thinks outside of the box. How can we ever really see something that we can't get outside of?Click and come deeper into my zebra hole. I kicked out all of the rabbits but kept the hats and zebras:
THERE are many, many cool people on here and while I do take issue with how some of the system here works, I do like the connecting and networking abilities very much. I'm ALL about meeting people so MEET me! How are you? Have you finished fighting the zoo keepers yet? What do you think of extending forks? What would YOU do to someone who would do FAR too much for a Klondike bar!? Will males and females ever really figure eachother out? Meow? Bark? Scratch me please.
Shhhh.. calm down.
MY WORLD | My Theater (Now Playing) | Crazy Bulletin Boards of Hyper Intelligent Creatives | What's New | The Box Chat Room | Dreambook | Get on the mailing list! | Help!? | Buy Box Stuff
Thoth: God of Wisdom and Time. You are a thinker.
You consantly create and invent things.
Intelligence is your greatest virtue, but don't
become a know-it-all.
Which Egyptian God Are You? (pics)
brought to you by Quizilla
A yellow rose for a romatic adventurous day!
Look at me being all serious and dramatic... I feel kinda naked without my hat.
Ready for a bit a the ol' in & out me droogs?!?
My favorite pic of me as I contemplated the lens that took my picture and tried to imagine seeing YOU.
BLACKOUT.COM makes the cover of New Times! You rock Courtney Hambright!
They have the technology... they CAN rebuild me. I AM the million.. ok so it's a gatoraid commercial.
Blackout's BoxLIVE on STAGE - at Cinema Paradiso in Ft Lauderdale. Still in planning mode!
Me and Charmonga acting all intimidating from my command center, taking notes on the auditioning actors.
An actor auditions. That's Kevin on the camera, Marti on the boom, and Stacy (Mr SAHs) awesome gfx on the screen.