Travel, Music, Photography, Kayak, Hiking, Camping, Piano, Movies, Read, Drive, Shop, Cook, Draw, Sing....
Anyone with a sense of humour, someone nice w/ manners, honest, understanding, jovial, and knows how to facilitate a decent conversation :D
Classical: Tchaikovsky, Rachmaninov, Kabalevsky, Liszt, Prokofiev, Chopin, Beethoven, Stravinsky, Bartok, Horowitz, etc..., Alternative, Hiphop, Rap, R&B, SlowJam, Swing: Our Lady Peace, NickelBack, Coldplay, Pink, NoDoubt, Evanescence, so on so on...
Spirited Away, Ocean11, Amelie, Thin Red Line, Sound of the Music, the Sting, My Fair Lady, the Rock, Saving Private Ryan, Green Mile, the Red Violin, Terminator II, a Beautiful Mind, Glidiator, LOTRs, Monster Inc, Sherk, plus a lot more, I looove watching movies
Don't watch much telly. But I do like: Band of Brothers, Simpsons, Apprentice, 70s Show, Discovery Channel, TLCs, What Not to Wear...
Anything to do with: Lit [Tolstoy, Fitzgerald, Hemingway, Orwell, Twain...], History [Europe, China, Military, etc.], Arts/Architecture/Culture, True Crime, Politics, Biographies, plus the occassional fictions.... No cheesy Romance. No unconvincing Sci-Fi.
Giant Info Rubbish Bins.