kk WeLLz dIS Is prIncEss ShaNN0n HEre..... buT dIs Is MinE & kIanas.... im 5'2" and i have brown eyes and reddish blackish hair.... kiana is 4'11" and she has hAve dArk bRown hAir, cAramel c0l0red eYes.... im a azn Pr0ud 0f it Flip.... and this Crazy cHIck is and aws0me meXicaN/hAwaiIan bItch hey We'RE S0uL sistAs...... we're s0 muCh aLIke..... we b0th LIke f00d..... H0t b0Yz [shann0n ♥ 's Chris].... and t0king---------- we B0th G0ez T0 R0se Avenue Sk00l H0me 0F da Pumas we Have the GreasTest FrIeNDs Ever!!!!!!! tHEy're aLL bItchEs haha lol....... me and kIana B0th Agree That We We're B0th seParated 40m bIrth haha we're b0th s0 crazy too. and we l0ve each 0ther d0nt w0rry we're n0t lesb0s..... We'Re the Best bITcHes Ever!!!! and we're h0t t00.....s0 eat thats suckers cuz wE'LL kIck ur A$$e$.......-------kk pRincess sHann0n.....wAt eVa u sAy.....dIs is pRincess kIana hEre, aNd eVerything tHat pRincess sHannon sEd is eXactly tR00.....i lUb hEr l0ts, aNd i n0 i cAn't lIb wIt 0Ut hEr!!! aNd sHe is s00 iMp0rtant in mUh lIfe......n0t mUch, bUt sHe sEd it aLl!!! lAters f0r n0w........pRincess kIana-------This profile was edited with Thomas' myspace editor™ V2.5
What do people think of you? by Sundancer
Your friends say that you are friendly
Strangers imagine you licking dirt
Your family wishes you a happy new year
Everyone notices you have gorgeous eyes
Quiz created with MemeGen !
What Icons are for you? by ladyallie
Favourite Colour
Your Love icon is...
Your Sad Icon is...
Your Happy Icon is...
Your Angry Icon is...
Your Food Icon is...
Your Animal Icon is...
Your Random Icon is...
Your Cartoon Icon is...
Your Sexy Icon is...
Quiz created with MemeGen !
Which celebrity will you bang? by ahhlee
how many times? 8
Quiz created with MemeGen !
Your Love Life by lpfloatsmyboat
favorite color:
best physical quaility: lips
best personality trait: people person
will you marry your bf/gf that you have now? it depends
when will you get married? April 1, 2018
your kiss is: short and sweet
People date you because: you're funny
Quiz created with MemeGen !