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Yeah I Know Im Kind of A Big Deal

I am here for Dating, Serious Relationships, Friends and Networking

About Me

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Ok wazz good everybody out there in myspace world this ya boy Devron Aka Prince Valliant yes please bow down. this right here is never duplicated, this brother right is about his Buissness, all about his career which just happens to be the entertainment field. i am 24 years old, i am a nice kind person but alittle ghetto i love hanging around my friends and my family, and i love to make people laugh i hate to see a sad face. my dreams are to become a great actor who is respected by all and then give back to my community and i am the type of person who will never forget where he comes from, like a certain person who will stay nameless........ anyway thats one of my dreams i want to work with the best actors and i want advice from theme so i can build on my skills and i want to move to California thats my second dream. and then i want to build a school in every state in my name.... well my last name i love my last name its cool, and then i want to build more boys and girls clubs closer to where kids live. ooops i almost forgot i am a laid back down to earth person oh and you don't no i was born April 26th 1983 my birth stone is diamond and i am a Taurus so i can be stubborn some times.okkkkk moving on with other things in my life i do feel like this year is going to be a wonderful year because now i am doing things that i could not do before its so lovely though. ...? and you know what damn i never really talk about my family on here well lets see i have four brothers all names starting with the letter D and i love theme so much and my loving mom and my loving step mom and my loving dad and my loving step dad yeah i have allot of parents hahaha anyway. thats it for now until i feel like writing some more stuff.Taurus - Sun in Taurus - HoroscopeYou need security and can be very cautious because of it. You can have a natural charm and sensuality and will plan ahead but are not often spontaneous. Strongwilled, cautious and stubborn are taureans, not named after the bull lightly. You can be persuaded but not head on - an indirect route is best or you will just think you are being attacked and go into 'bull' mode. You can also be jealous and over possessive and like to punish your enemies. Letting go has never been easy for you. You may be a bit of a hoarder and have all sorts of junk around the house or in the garage. You are generally kind and gentle and have a great deal of sympathy and understanding for others. You won't let a friend down. You like your pleasures and material possessions such as a nice house and car. These are important to you. However if you don't fear losing these things then you may find that freedom and spirituality you are seeking.CHINESE Zodiac sign The Year of the PigPeople born in the Year of the Pig are chivalrous and gallant. Whatever they do, they do with all their strength. For Boar Year people, there is no left or right and there is no retreat. They have tremendous fortitude and great honesty. They don't make many friends but they make them for life, and anyone having a Boar Year friend is fortunate for they are extremely loyal. They don't talk much but have a great thirst for knowledge. They study a great deal and are generally well informed. Boar people are quick tempered, yet they hate arguments and quarreling. They are kind to their loved ones. No matter how bad problems seem to be, Boar people try to work them out, honestly if sometimes impulsively. They are most compatible with Rabbits and Sheep.

My Interests

and youtube singing cooking poetry reading football basket ball different cultures dancing movies clubbing trying new thingsand clothing 783&PID=1572294 om/ x.html intro=1

I'd like to meet:

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Well who would i like to meet .....? everybody i guess i love meeting new people but if i had to narrow it down i would say i would love to meet Free from Bet And Aj and Denzel Washington Pimped By Straight Krumpin'


Rap Rnb Jazz Blues reggae calypso classical


i like funny movies scary movies mystery movies suspense movies action movies. like the movie called the protector


almost everything that interest me i hate that show called Newyork her mom looks like a man and she does to


edger Allen poe vibe source black men magazine smooth magazine


my mom and denzel washington i want to be a great actor like him

My Blog

The Other Promise

Do you remember? Remember what? The promise&? What promise? Awe silly boy your always forgetting things, cant you reach for it. I know you have to feel it. The warmth of the promise you made a long t...
Posted by Yeah I Know Im Kind of A Big Deal on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 01:21:00 PST

The unknown man... drifting threw time holding on by a thread

Sometimes i feel its only me and god who understands me who knows me maby ill ask him tonight who i am It was such a beautiful day, a young 25 year old woman gave birth to a boy, it was sunny that d...
Posted by Yeah I Know Im Kind of A Big Deal on Mon, 10 Sep 2007 07:11:00 PST


He has been beaten up for no reason.   He has been talked about for not having the freshest clothes.   His own family talks about him like a dog and all he wants is nothing but love. &n...
Posted by Yeah I Know Im Kind of A Big Deal on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 06:22:00 PST

The Chosen Path The Chosen Destiny The Chosen Future

  Chosen Paths, chosen destiny's, paths unchangeable, paths unavoidable. Long before we were thought of are roads to walk on were already built before we could even comprehend or fathom the tho...
Posted by Yeah I Know Im Kind of A Big Deal on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 06:22:00 PST

Endless River Of Time

Rivers& rivers& rivers of time endless thoughts.   Rivers of emotions endless tears.   Rivers of anger endless hatred.   Endless&endless&endless&infinity&omega& the alpha.  ...
Posted by Yeah I Know Im Kind of A Big Deal on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 06:21:00 PST

Drifting Child of Sadness

When is ok to cry, when is it ok to stop pushing on. Is it&is it& is it really ok to stop. Stop crying stop feeling sad stop hurting stop feeling depressed. Will there be good times. Will there ever...
Posted by Yeah I Know Im Kind of A Big Deal on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 06:21:00 PST

Radical Dreamer

I &I&I Had a Dream last night it was a wonderful dream I pictured myself in a peaceful place wear I did not fear. A place I did not feel sad. a place I did not feel hatred. a place I thought was unrea...
Posted by Yeah I Know Im Kind of A Big Deal on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 05:48:00 PST

Eternal Recurrence

Life hmm what a fragile thing given to us humans, so easily stolen, so easily broken. Sometimes when I am walking somewhere I start to think how blessed I am to be alive this long. The devil has been ...
Posted by Yeah I Know Im Kind of A Big Deal on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 05:46:00 PST

Cracks Threw My Heart

  My life my dreams my hopes. Are they figments of my imagination? Are they real, am I real. What am I doing here what is my true purpose on this place we call earth. What is my objective here, ...
Posted by Yeah I Know Im Kind of A Big Deal on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 05:45:00 PST

Stubborn Black Child

Stubborn black child, you stubborn black child why don't you just give up on your dreams .I cant my dreams will become reality, when I grow up I will be somebody great you will see.   You stubb...
Posted by Yeah I Know Im Kind of A Big Deal on Mon, 26 Feb 2007 05:43:00 PST