Marika profile picture


living the one true free life

About Me

Do what you love and love what you do.
a l w a y s
women should be wilder
learning the fine art of gently making haste
"Ihmisellä on luontainen tarve rakastaa, ei olla rakastettu."
- Anthony de Mello
I'm a happy-go-lucky girl, open, fun loving and ever so curious of the world. I've won my personal battles and beat the shit out of things that held me down. I'm a living proof it's never too late to get your act together and start living your life instead of walking around dead and lost. I'm excited about the future and I cherish life at this very moment happening around me -- I am quite an EMO faggot, you know.
"you say that nothing matters, you're just fucking scared"
- Minor Threath
I'm studying at the university of Helsinki, major in cognitive science... interested in this coolest thing ever called learning, I guess I'm gonna be a kickass multitalented researcher when I grow up. You'll find me at Heinis, Kustaa Vaasa, Factory and well, punk gigs, having a ball with my friends. There's nothing better than being the toxicated monkey, with some gorillas too, aye?
"Elämän tarkoitus on löytää luontoa ja ihmistä kunnioittava moraali ja sen jälkeen noudattaa sitä." - Aki Kaurismäki
Sanity is a full-time job.

My Interests

respect & refuse!
aiming to make the best out of life and myself, family & friends, without them I'm nothing, veganism, KALLIO, Lapland, reading writing drawing LEARNING doing dreaming BEING, SCIENCE cognitive science psychology neuroscience, cultural evolution, books & libraries, visual arts, cooking, punk music shows diy freedom to be everything, human decay urban decay, utopias dystopias, leaving, staying, travelling, railway yards & harbours, electric lines & concrete, cool hairdos, hydrogen peroxide, short skirts & tight pants!

I'd like to meet:

my honeybunnies


punk, psychobilly, triphop, hardcore, finnish rap with additude, this and that...

lately: Nazi Death Camp, Kyre & Duunarit


Books play a big part in what I am. Used to do nothing but read, nowadays it's more like everything but read... I still adore them, both fact and fiction. Old friends to cherish, new worlds to discover, billions of thoughts of millions of people.

Charles Bukowski, Irvine Welsh, Chuck Palahniuk, Ray Loriga, Aldous Huxley, George Orwell, William Wharton, Abo Rasul, Sylvia Plath's diaries, William Burroughs and many many more.

lately: school stuff



My Blog


my personalDNA
Posted by Marika on Wed, 24 Oct 2007 11:25:00 PST


Tein tällaisen. Advanced Big 30 Personality Test Results Sociability |||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 85% Aggressiveness |||||||||||| 32% Assertiveness ||||||||||||||| 44% Activity Level |||||...
Posted by Marika on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 12:57:00 PST

Johari Window

Koska olen utelias paskiainen, laitoin tallaisen teille tehtavaksi!a href= moron
Posted by Marika on Wed, 12 Jul 2006 04:31:00 PST