Smashley profile picture



About Me

"When it comes to a boy meets girl situation, I'm not the least bit romantic. Romantic to me means something you build up and NOTHING touches it. People are too complex to get romantic about. I'm romantic about rock and roll music. To me, rock and roll is a very romantic idea." - Jim Reid
I'm Ashley Harris, and yes, most people call me by my full name. I'm 21 years old, finishing out my senior year at Arizona State University. My work life and social life are often interchangeable, and I'm one of the few people who actually love my job(s). However, somehow somewhere between drawing anarchy symbols on my binder and voluntarily listening to ska music, I became "the man". I currently work for a major family of record labels, am a disc jockey for campus radio and on campus concert director. I also used to be a music journalist, producer and band manager. Oh, and in case I had any part of my soul left, I'll be getting my degree in Public Relations.
For these and many other reasons,
it's pretty clear that I'm going to hell.

IM: StaticVsStrings .
I tend to sift through for music and shows, so it wouldn't hurt.

My Interests

Relying a bit to heavily on alcohol and irony.

I'd like to meet:

If you don't like Jimmy Eat World, I probably won't make out with you.


No but really, I hate music.
Find me on LastFM: SmashleyAZ