Member Since: 6/13/2005
Band Members: Kat Heath
is back in London fresh from Red Bull Music Academy Toronto 2007.
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here .
Kat Heathand Charlotte Spencer-Smith, otherwise known as Kat! Heath! and Charlotte K., met in 2005 and at a young age were charitably educated at the excellent London clubnight, "And Did We Mention Our Disco?". A friendship and DJ partnership soon developed. Popluxe started as a project to introduce pop and chart music in its greatest forms to the indie and electro clubs of London and included the Parisian whirlwind, Karine Gibson, now of Aww Yeahrr. A DJ set in Vienna, for which they challenged themselves to go head to head on Rio favela baile funk and East London grime & eski, representing twin textures of 'hot' and 'cold' music, changed all this.
Two years on, Kat’s DJ sets, based on baile funk, hormonal chart pop and r 'n' b, electronic rave, and some very naughty records you couldn't possibly play in the car on the way to Cornwall with your parents, have been causing excitement at Tate Moss, All You Can Eat and beyond. Charlotte, now living 264 miles away in Durham, has been winning over tough student crowds with her love for electro, slightly emotional techno, Kisstory classics, Francophone electronic hip-hop, and a sprinkling of Baltimore. Popluxe continue to strictly adhere to the Our Disco ethic, considering craft prior to genre, and working first and foremost to ensure their dj sets are up to the standard they would expect from their very heroes - actually good. Kat and Charlotte don’t often get to dj together, but when they do –
"How did a theatre-design and millinery student prone to dressing up in antique gowns and luminescent tights end up playing, in her own words, "girly pop about being independent and powerful, sullied by misogynist rap†? It all began in the Pimms-addled throws of arty parties in London town, such as the squatter's luxe event called Tate Moss, and pretty soon KAT!HEATH! was living a DJ lifestyle of booty bass cassettes, grime throw-downs, baking, pimping shit up, long hot baths and shoes. Neon additives and a guaranteed sugar rave rush will have you leaving the Booty Bass orbit in a fierce ball of white heat. Beware when you re-enter the atmosphere – the come-down can burn." Red Bull Music Academy Toronto Festival (Ger.)
"Killer" The Fly Magazine (UK)
"Les Girlz anglaises nous fascinent" Boules a Facettes blog (Fr.)
"Real hot... Serial, these girls got some good taste in music and know how to mix it right" These Rocks Pop blog (US)
Tim Sweeney, Twitch of Optimo, Diplo, Our Disco, DJ Orgasmic, How To DJ Properly Chapter 22
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Type of Label: None