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Woot woot! My name is Shahin Aakjær Seyed Nasrolla, aka Cosa Nostra or Fabeldyret, I saw the daylight for the very first time the 18th march 1990, in Copenhagen. My mother is from Denmark, and my father comes from Iran, so I’ am half/half, But I see myself as a “worldchildâ€. I’ am extremely interested in politics, ‘cause it draw our world, and it is in politic you can change the world. And I really think it is the wrong people, who haves the power in this world, and it destroys many things. And all my opinions shows up in my music, witch I lives, and breaths for. I'am 50% of a band/crew called "Verbale Vidner". I have written my own texts since I where 13 years old, and I have played live a copal of times. If there is anything, you want to know, you are welcome to ask! See you, and hold your head high!