Hey ho!! |
Well...I added some extra noise and stuff to the song I 2 and started calling it I Too...I Was just adding it to the god forsaken player for you guys to enjoy it, ot hateit :P Anyhoo, I'm flying to Ma... Posted by (Casette) on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 04:42:00 PST |
Aimestreet still free music!!! |
Just started working. And I'm still working on my life setup instruments.
on aimiestreet is still free, so I hope you guys are downloading like crazy!!
Arni Geir... Posted by (Casette) on Thu, 15 May 2008 06:09:00 PST |
My music is now on amiestreet.com |
Well, now I’ve decided to do something for my music, and I put it up onAmie St. So now you can all go and buy the songs... Well at first thay arefor free, but God, or whom ever is up there guid... Posted by (Casette) on Fri, 04 Apr 2008 06:02:00 PST |
New song: Mom and Dad |
Well I just Deleted "The Goodbye Song" and "That is what Mom would like". I wanted to put up two new demos just to show you what i´m doing in denmark when I'm not in school. I had some problems when I... Posted by (Casette) on Tue, 13 Nov 2007 01:28:00 PST |
New photos, and nearly a new song |
hi hi!!!!!I am now in class, Artspace it is called. I usually just do some pictures inPhotoshop (not good ones, but what the hell) and do some fuckt up stufffor my Myspace.I currently have a song in t... Posted by (Casette) on Fri, 09 Nov 2007 02:48:00 PST |
Denmark |
hihi!! (as they say in denmark when thay are saying goodbye, strange)I´m sitting here naked in my hotelroom in Denmark. It is so damp and hotthat I think I´m never going to wake up tomorrow or even th... Posted by (Casette) on Sat, 11 Aug 2007 09:05:00 PST |
Changing my name once again, for good? |
I'm really thinking about changing my artist name to (Casette). I really like it cause I really likecasettes :) Anyways; tell me what you think, maybe i'll cange the name again :)see you!!!(Casette)... Posted by (Casette) on Thu, 10 May 2007 02:36:00 PST |
Well, I found some time to put up some new songs for my Myspace!!"Pardon me If I love you" is a song I wrote on a 500 Mhz coputer withCubase VST 4.0... "I miss you" is a song I wrote just couple of mo... Posted by (Casette) on Sat, 28 Oct 2006 09:18:00 PST |
New songs |
Hi!I havn´t had the time to do new stuff so I´m goingto show you some of my old stuff, wich is 3 years oldand did it all on Cubase VST :) Really old program.Anyways, some of these songs arn´t finished... Posted by (Casette) on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 07:23:00 PST |
Hi, changed my mind again |
HiI have decided that Editor will not be my Artist name, cause I dont likeit any more. My artist name will be my own name, Arni Geir.Thanx allot!Arni Geir Posted by (Casette) on Sun, 28 May 2006 05:43:00 PST |